Houghton Talent Agency is now seeking new Atlanta talent to join their talent agency.
The talent agency is looking for the following types:
- Female
- Short Blonde Hair
- 20’s
- Fair Complexion
- 5’6 – 5’7 no tallers/shorter
- 115lbs – 125 lbs
Must be within driving distance of the Atlanta area. To apply, send all inquires to HTAuditions@gmail.com. The subject to the email should be “stand-in”
About Houghton Talent Agency:
The Houghton Talent Agency posts on their website that they are “Houghton Talent, Inc. has been the link between creative people since 1990. We have the people you need — and the staff that will help you quickly find just the right ones.” Houghton Talent, Inc. is a full-service agency, representing individuals who have both experience and material. They are neither a school nor a studio. There are no photographers or instructors on staff. No fee is charged to meet with an agent or to register. A 15% commission is deducted from actual jobs booked. Furthermore, Houghton Talent, Inc. is always scouting new talent. What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.
If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply