Virgin Mobile commercial casting call for stylish types in Toronto, Canada.
Casting directors are looking for stylish and fun-loving individuals for a national Virgin Mobile commercial. producers are looking for energetic, stylish, and fun-loving men and women who are between the ages of 28 to 35 to appear in the commercial. Those chosen will receive a minimum of the thousand dollars for the work on the commercial.
To audition for a role in the upcoming commercial check out the casting call breakdown below.
Virgin Mobile Commercial Casting Call
VIRGIN MOBILE is looking for stylish and fun loving individuals for a National Campaign!
Those chosen will receive a minimum of $1000!
Energetic, stylish and fun loving men and women roughly 28-35yrs
Details & Submission Information
If interested, you must email the following to:
Your name(s), age(s) and telephone number
Please tell us your ethnic background.
At least 2 recent photos of yourself. Show us your smiles! Fun, candid shots are great! Professional shots not necessary. Please no sunglasses in photos.
The city where you are located. (This shoot will be in Toronto)
Please write “Project Mobile” in the subject line followed by your name. (i.e.: Project Mobile – Jeremy Housten)
You must be available for these key dates in Toronto:
AUDITION: Wednesday May 17th
RECALL: Tuesday May 23rd
SHOOT: Tuesday May 30th and Wednesday May 31st (talent may be required for a half day or a full day)
Please submit as soon as possible as spots fill up quickly! We will accept submissions up until Monday May 15th at 9:00am.
Note: If an agent represents you please allow them to submit you for this project
*** Please submit ASAP***
Questions or Concerns
Please contact us at 416-360-0465 Shannon at x 233 or Misael at x234
60 SUMACH ST /3RD FLOOR / TORONTO, ON M5A 3J7 / T: (416) 360 0465 / F: (416) 360 0465
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If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply