50 Cent’s Den of Thieves is now casting strippers and male strip club patrons for a scene filming on Wednesday, March 1st in Atlanta, Georgia.
About Den of Thieves:
Den of Thieves centers around $120 million that is taken out of circulation on a daily basis by the Los Angeles branch of the Federal Reserve and a notorious crew of robbers that plan the ultimate heist right under the noses of the city’s best cops.
To audition for a role on Den of Thieves, check out the casting call details below.
Den of Thieves Casting Call
For Wednesday – 3/1 we are still looking for an additional Hispanic, Caucasian, or Asian stripper – must be comfortable with nudity and ideally some dance experience — email a recent photo and all contact info to: DenExtras@gmail.com – STRIPPER in Subject
Also looking for some male strip club patrons – 20’s to 60 — all ethnicities — email a recent photo and all contact info to: DenExtras@gmail.com – STRIP CLUB PATRONS in Subject
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If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply