Hillary Clinton has a double digit lead over Donald Trump, according to a Fox News poll.
Researchers and analysts are crunching the numbers and trying to guess who is going to become the next President of the United States. So far, the post-convention bump numbers are here and after the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump did better in a CNN/ORC poll than he’d done in almost a year with 44% to 39%.
However, one week and a Democratic National Convention later, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Clinton with a six point lead with 41% to Trump’s 35%.
Several days later, Clinton is still enjoying the post-convention high with an almost 10% lead over Donald Trump (49% to 39%) in a Fox News poll.
The most shocking part of the study is how both candidates appear dishonest to voters, but now Donald Trump registers as more untrustworthy than Clinton does despite, the e-mail scandals.
Apparently, many voters cannot overlook the vast differences in political experiences between the two nominees. From Fox News:
Sixty-one percent of voters think Hillary Clinton is dishonest, yet she’s opened up a big lead over Donald Trump in the latest Fox News Poll.
Here’s why: majorities think Clinton is nevertheless qualified to be president, and has the temperament and knowledge to serve effectively. It’s the opposite for Trump: over half feel he is not qualified, and lacks the temperament or knowledge to lead the country. And his 62 percent dishonesty rating tops hers.
So, what’s responsible for Clinton owning a demanding lead in the Presidential race? Fox news mentions that 77% of those polled have read or watched reports about Trump’s argument with the Khan family, which showed Trump discussing his many “sacrifices” and insulting the mother of fallen U.S. Army Captin Humayun Khan.
The study shows that 69% of those polled, including Republicans, called Trump’s behavior “out of bounds”.
Will Donald Trump’s numbers rebound? Presumably, there is still three months until election day, and we have a long way to go.
Via Fox News
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