Here are easy ways actors can network with casting directors and improve their chances of becoming an actor.
Did you know Tom Hanks volunteered on his first project and it turned into a full time acting job? “Don’t just talk about acting. Go out and be an actor. Don’t worry about the quality of the project. You can learn from any acting experience, good or bad.  And use bad projects as networking opportunities. Go out, meet people, ask questions and make friends in the acting world.” The biggest piece of advice Tom Hanks shares is that networking and meeting people can drastically improve your chances of becoming an working actor. But, becoming an actor is not easy. You have to learn how to become an social media marketing expert, memorize tons of lines, attend open casting calls, and network with other actors, models, and producers. But, here is something that often times goes overlooked, networking with casting directors.
In an amazing video by Arvold Casting, the casting director behind such hit TV shows as AMC’s Turn and the new Netflix series, Stranger Things, Erica Arvold reveals how every actor should network with casting directors and gives advice on how to increase your chances of landing a speaking role.
Ultimately, Arvold explains how to establish and maintain a good relationship with a casting director.
Check out the great video with casting director/producer Erica Arvold, CSA,  and acting coach Richard Warner below:
If you have anything you’d like answered, please contact Arvold Casting via email at
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