7ate9 Entertainment seeks Father and Son Golfers for a Disney television project.
We are looking for Father and Son Golfers (Son should be between 12-15 years old) interested in being featured on Disney Channel. This is a non-union project and it will air as an interstitial on the Disney Channel networks.
It pays $500 /day per person and works in Orlando – the week of May 11th 2015. ($1,000 per family) Meal, hotel and gas reimbursement will be provided for out of town cast.
Please submit:
A note on where you found this notice and describing your family
Some photos of the father / son (hopefully playing golf) Describe your golf ability.
What city you live in
include your contact info and email address
email casting@7ate9.com
use the subject “Disney Father and Son Golfers”
Please only send 1 email, so think it through before you send it to make sure it’s complete. SEnd it in asap.
If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply
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