The cast for Ghostbusters 3 may have been accidentally revealed.
According to The Daily Beast, an email dated October 8, 2014 from the Sony Pictures CEO Amy Pascal to Ivan Reitman, director/producer of the original Ghostbusters film, revealed some key details about the planned reboot, scheduled for release ideally sometime in summer 2016:
Read more: Rebel Wilson in Talks to Star in Ghostbusters 3
“Agree that everyone is way too nervous about how this issue and how we. present it but it’s isn’t a sequel to the 80s movies and it is gonna be totally original with completely different characters and our job is to find a clever way to connect the movie to the original franchise so that we can use all the assets and everything that is great about the original franchise,” the email read. “Paul’s movie is gonna be the first one and from what I’m hearing jennifer lawrence and Emma stone and Melissa McCarthy and Amy schumer and liszzy [Lizzy] Kaplan just to name a few have already said thy wanted to be in….”
Read more: Get Ready Because “Ghostbusters 3″ is Coming Soon
That means Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone and Melissa McCarthy are in talks to star in the upcoming Ghostbusters 3. Unfortunately for Rebel Wilson her chance for landing a role may be slim to none.
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