Casting directors are now casting for an upcoming Converse Commercial filming in Los Angeles, California.
Converse Commercial Casting Call Information
Submitting LA talents asap for a Converse Commercial
Non Union
Rate $2500 for 1 Day
Shoot Date is one day of either
8/16/2013 or 8/17/2013
Shoots in Los Angeles
All Ethnicities / age 18-26
Looking for hipster, skater, R&B types. Funky. Nerdy Cool.
Maybe looking like they just walked out of Brooklyn, Silverlake
or Urban Outfitters. Attractive, but more important to have the
‘look’ and ‘style’. Tattoos are fine. Crazy hair is fine.
Looking for a REAL look – not just a model.
All Ethnicities / age 18-26
Looking for hipster, skater, rappers types. Funky. Nerdy Cool.
Maybe looking like they just walked out of Brooklyn, Silverlake
or Urban Outfitters. Attractive, but more important to have the
‘look’ and ‘style’. Tattoos are fine. Crazy hair is fine.
Looking for a REAL look, not just a model.