We reported on the upcoming TV Pilot “The Returned” earlier this week as the production company was now accepting crew resumes.
The Returned series will follow on the lives of the people in Arcadia when their lives change forever because all of their deceased loved ones return from the dead.
starting tomoro possibly for Run Of Show- “The Returned”
I am seeking two caucasian stand ins
#3 stand in female caucasian- Auburn hair , pale skin as opposed to tan,5,4 inches tall must have experience and be completely FLEXIBLE with a changing schedule including weekends..
#4 caucasian Male utility with lt brown hair that is RECEDING ,NOT bald , and ability to concentrate on two characters
-5.10- 6 ft even no taller no shorter
starts tomoro early and also will go thru the end of March
i need a resume 2 real life head n shoulders cell pics NOT headshots-
returnatl@gmail.com -# 3 or # 4 in subline-
Thanks $140 per shooting day –