Smash is NBC’s new hit drama has been renewed for a second season. The show centers on the creation of a new Broadway musical, and is based on the life of Marilyn Monroe and according to sources, they are “now casting guest stars, day players, dancers, extras, stand-ins, and photo doubles in New York”
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now casting guest stars, day players, dancers, extras, stand-ins, and photo doubles in New York
Tony Award winner Michael Mayer will be directing the series which is written by the amazing Theresa Rebeck. Rebeck will also be producing “Smash” along with Dreamworks TV’s Steven Spielberg, Darryl Frank and Justin Falvey. What makes this project so special is the amount of amazing songwriters such as Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman both Tony Award winning songwriters.
The new NBC Chief executive Bob Greenblatt, first developed “Smash” while working at Showtime, and since then he has been passionate about the program. The pilot episode was first filmed in 2011, and unlike, “Glee” the series will focus on the effort it takes into making the music, choreography, and Broadway instead of musical renditions of famous songs. NBC’s Smash will feature an all star cast of Anjelica Huston, Debra Messing, Christian Borle, Megan Hilty, and Katharine McPhee.
“Smash” is currently being filmed in New York and it is sure to bring the laughs, tears, and singing out loud moments that we can all remember.
Principal Casting Information
Submit photos and resumes by mail only no phone calls or personal drop offs.Casting Director's information is provided by sources. Please follow strict submission guidelines and etiquette when sending your phots, resumes, cover letters, and demo-reels to television show casting directors.
New York
Bernard Telsey Tiffany Canfield Telsey & Company 311 W. 43rd Street 10th Floor New York, NY 10019
Extras Casting
Grant Wilfley “Smash” Extras Casting email your headshot, and contact information to
“Seeking NONUNION Men & Women for Theatre scene on “Smash” Friday 11/30 AND Monday 12/3 (must be available BOTH DAYS, these are FULL DAY COMMITMENTS!). Email current photo and phone number to and the SUBJECT LINE should read: Facebook, NONUNION, full name, Avail 11/30&12/3″ (Source)
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