The Game is a comedy drama series created by Mara Brock Akil and is produced by Kelsey Grammer. Premiering on October 1, 2006, the series deubted as the only comedy on The CW’s primetime schedule. After three seasons the series was canceled by CW. Then BET struck a deal with The Game’s parent company CBS to create new episodes for the series, moving the taping of the show to Los Angeles to Atlanta. The series was renewed for a fifth season on January 2012. The show features Tia Mowry, Brittany Daniel, Wendy Raquel Robinson and Pooch Hall. In association with CBS Paramount Network Television, and Grammnet Productions.
Principal Casting Information
The Game (Atlanta) 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 2128, Ste. D, Universal City, CA 91608.
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