Two and a Half Men is a hit American sitcom that premiered first in 2003. The show was originally based around a hedonistic jingle writer, Charlie Harper, his uptight brother, Alan, and Alan’s son, Jake. Charlie’s care-free sense of life complicates when his brother gets a divorce and moves into Charlie’s beach-front Malibu house. However, the show changed course on their ninth season, focusing more on Alan moving on after the death of his brother Charlie with his new friend, and room mate, Walden Schmidt, played by Ashton Kutcher, who is also facing problems after a bad divorce. Eventually, all three coming together and forming a new family unit.
The show had their fair share of controversy. In 2011, CBS and Warner Bros. wanted to end production of the eigth season after Charlie Sheen’s disbaraging comments about the show’s creator and producer, Chuck Lorre. Eventually, Charlie Sheen was fired from the show on March 7th. The ninth season then premiered with Charlie, killed off and introduced Ashton Kutcher, his replacement.
In 2011, the New York Times called Two and a Half Men “biggest comedy of the last decade”
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Valko/Miller Casting, 3500 W. Olive, Ste. 780, Burbank, CA 91505.
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