Voiceover Job Casting Call
Your favorite TV shows, radio programs, and feature films are all influenced in some way voice over artists. These talented individuals use their voices to read disclaimers, tell a story, or highlight a new product. Voice over artists like Morgan Freeman, have spent decades honing his craft while setting up a career in the entertainment industry.
Now, casting directors are seeking SAG/AFTRA talent for a Voiceover Job shooting in Los Angeles on Monday, February 11. $225/2 hr session fee (we may do up to 3 sessions per person). YOU MUST LIVE IN LOS ANGELES TO WORK ON THIS JOB. DO NOT SUBMIT IF YOU OUT OF THIS AREA. They are also picking SEVERAL people.
Casting Call and Audition Information
Men & Women: 20-35 years old. We are looking for EVERYDAY people off the street. We do not want character,cartoon or wacky voices. Just normal, average people. Please submit a recording of your voice (via your smart phone or other device).
Here is what you will record: “High (pause 2 beats), Low (pause 2 beats, Shout (pause 2 beats)”. The first set needs to be energetic and upbeat. Then you repeat the same 3 words with your regular, everyday voice and inflection. Please do not add ANYTHING to this recording. It should be exactly what we have asked for or you will not be submitted.
If you have an iphone, use the Voice Memo application in the Utilities folder. Please email the recording ASAP (we must have all submissions by Saturday, February 9th @ 7pm). Include your name, your SAG/AFTRA #, a photo and your phone number. Email address is: SandeAlessiCasting@gmail.com subject line should read: RED
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