Intel photo shoot casting call for DJs and models in Los Angeles, California.
The Photo-Group is looking for real DJs ages 20 to 25 that are ethnically ambiguous. In addition, casting directors are looking for Chinese men and women to work on the upcoming Intel photo shoot.
Talents that are selected will be compensated $3,5000 if the photos are used and $1,000 per session.
To audition for a role on the upcoming Intel photo shoot, check out the casting call details below:
Intel Photo Shoot
Casting Real DJs – Age 20-25 – Ethnically Ambiguous Male and Female + Chinese (Authentic) Male and Female –
Shoot Date: 3/5-3/8, 1 Day
Shoot Los Angeles
Rate: $1000 Session + 20% Agency
Usage: $3500 + 20% (Agency) If Image Selected
Usage Terms: Unlimited Global media use (including but not limited to, all print media, OOH, in-store, digital, worldwide web, video and any other media except Broadcast), on all images captured and derivatives there of, for a period of Two (2) year from date of first use- per visual.
Usage Option: The right to pick up the imagery for an additional year for the same global usage mentioned above for an additional fee of $2,500 + 20% agency fee.
To be considered for an audition email us with your name, age, contact phone#, height/weight, and current photos including a closeup and a full length to: with subject “IntelDJ?. PLEASE DJ experience (how long you’ve been Dj-ing.) What kind of Music you play and where you have DJ.’d
If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply
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