Casting directors are currently casting actors for a commercial filming in Canada.
Morgan Casting posted a casting call seeking an African-Canadian Male actors that look to be 33 years of age. The talent must be fit and has a thin build. The talent will need to be clean shaven for the photo shoot.
For more details check out the casting call below:
$750 Commercial Casting Call
Morgan Casting is seeking the following:
Male Cyclist: African-Canadian Male. Looks to be 33 years of age. He is fit and has a thin build. He’s a white collar guy with a wife and kids & owns a home. He’s smart and thinking about the future. Will need to be clean shaved for the shoot. He’s a bit athletic. Could be a school teacher or entrepreneur. Must be able to ride a bike well. He’s not a pro cyclist, but an avid biker. Bikes to and from work each day.
One day shoot – Friday, May 31st in the GTA – prepare for a full day. (weather dependent)
Pays $750.00 if selected. Talent will be asked to read and record a short voice-over script as well ! Looking for a great voice and talented performer.
The shoot is for an internal corporate video – one run only – no commercial broadcast or even web usage. No conflicts.
if interested, email to morgancasting@LIVE.COM
Please title your message as follows:
Your name for Project Bank
Please include:
1. Name and age
2. City in which you live in ON
3. Photo and resume – would love to see a full length to see one’s build + a head and shoulders
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