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[Los Angeles] Casting Directors are now casting for America’s Most Wanted. Shoots in Los Angeles on Wednesday, September 19, 2012. RATE: 106/8 AFTRA. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT IF YOU DON’T LIVE IN LOS ANGELES.
Casting Breakdown
Nail Salon Owner: Vietnamese, male, age 40’s. THIS IS FEATURED EXTRA WORK. Please email A current color photo, your name, your phone number and your age range to: SandeAlessiCasting@gmail.com Attn: SALON OWNER
Manicurists: Vietnamese, female age 20’s – 30’s. THIS IS FEATURED EXTRA WORK. Please email A current color photo, your name, your phone number and your age range to: SandeAlessiCasting@gmail.com Attn: MANICURIST
Thug’s Girlfriend: Vietnamese female. age late 20’s to early 30’s. THIS IS FEATURED EXTRA WORK. Please email A current color photo, your name, your phone number and your age range to: SandeAlessiCasting@gmail.com Attn: GIRLFRIEND
(Click Here and read this before applying to any casting call)
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