Disney Channel Interstitials shooting at Walt Disney World
We are looking for whole families (Mom-Dad-two kids 6 or older that look younger,) interested in being a part of a video for Disney Channel. This is a non-union project and it will air as an interstitial on the Disney Channel networks.
It pays $350 /day for each person, and works two days in Orlando – March 12- March 13 2015. Meals will be provided.
Here are the roles:
Mom- non-white woman, aged 25-40, loves disney.
Dad- non-white man, aged 25-40, loves disney.
Boy- non-white boy, aged 6, looks younger (ideally looks 3-5 years old) Please also submit if you are really 3-5 years old – make sure we can see the real age of the boy.
Girl- non-white girl, aged 6, looks younger (ideally looks 3-5 years old) Please also submit if you are really 3-5 years old – make sure we can see the real age of the girl.
Please submit:
A note on where you found this notice and describing your family
Some photos of your family
send to casting@7ate9.com
Thank you!
Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.
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