Do you know of any cute babies?
Catrett Casting is looking for four to 7-month-old Caucasian and Hispanic/Latino babies for a print advertisement. Auditions will take place on Thursday, February 23rd and shoot on March 14th and 15th. Talents will be compensated $800. After 4 years, option to renew 2 more years at $638.
To audition your child for the modeling job, check out the casting call breakdown below.
Baby Casting Call
$$ BABY CASTING – 4 to 7 month-old Caucasian & Hispanic/Latino Babies FOR HIGH RATE PRINT AD $$
Please send us 3 high-quality photos of your baby along with their name, age, height, weight and your name and current phone number to:
Subject: BABY!
In-person callbacks on Thursday, Feb 23rd
Shoot dates are on March 14th and 15th
Must be available for ALL dates.
Rate: $800. 4 year buyout. After 4 years, option to renew 2 more years at $638
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