Mobile app commercial casting call in Atlanta
Casting directors are looking for men and women of all ethnicities to work on a mobile app commercial. Individuals should be in their early 30s with a professional look. Casting directors are seeking talent to submit in their business attire and have a big smile. Filming will shoot on Wednesday, May 3 in Atlanta. Talents will be compensated $160 for eight hours worked.
To audition for a role in the mobile app commercial check out the casting call breakdown below.
Atlanta casting call
$ Higher Rate $
Seeking males and females of all ethnicities for a mobile app commercial. Individuals should be in their early 30s with a professional look – submit in business attire and with a BIG smile!
To submit, please send us 3 photos of yourself along with your name, age, height, weight, current phone number and clothing sizes to
Rate: $160/8
Shoots Wednesday, 5/3/17 in Atlanta
Subject: MOBILE
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If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply