Tech commercial casting call for hipsters in Chicago, Illinois.
Extraordinary Casting is looking for actors, models, and talent to work on a tech company commercial filming in Chicago, Illinois. Producers are looking for hipsters ages 20 to 30 to work on the commercial. Filming will take place one day between the 1st or 2nd week of February.
To audition for a role on the commercial, check out the casting call details below:
Commercial Casting Call
Here is a good one! We need submissions for the following talent emailed to by the end of TODAY (February in subject). Filming would be one day within the 1st or 2nd week of February. Your schedule would need to be flexible enough to commit to this, if selected. Shooting in Chicago on a white screen.
Rate of Pay: at least $800 for the day
Looking for ‘quirky’ (reference Joe Sedelmaier)
This is for a tech company
Approx. 9–12 seconds on their website
Any Ethnicity
Male – mid-20’s “hipster” facial hair is preferred
Female – mid to upper 30’s
Male – mid 30’s would be wearing skinny jeans
For now, just need a current photo (beard/facial hair preferred) and current stats emailed.
Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.
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