Mukesh Chhabra Casting is currently looking for a kid who is a good dancer and actor, 8 to 12 years old to feature as the YOUNGER VERSION of Varun Dahwan in his upcoming movie. Filming will shoot in Mumbai, India. Details surrounding the upcoming feature film have not been released.
To audition for a role in the new movie, check out the casting call breakdown below.
Bollywood Casting Call
?Hello people, ?
?We are currently looking for a kid who is a good dancer and actor, 8 to 12 years old to feature as the YOUNGER VERSION of Varun Dahwan in his upcoming movie. Please email us the profiles at ?
If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply
Do you think you are perfect for this role? Leave us a comment below and tell casting directors why you should be selected!