“Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life” The Movie Lead Roles Casting Call for Kid Actors.
Telsey and Co. is currently looking for kid and teen actors to work on the upcoming SAG feature film, “Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life” the movie.
Based on the children’s book, “Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life” centers around Rafe. Rafe is starting middle school and boy does he ever start off with a bang. He sets out to break every rule in the Hills Village Middle School Code of Conduct book, starting on day one! Rafe and his friend Leo assign points to each rule, based on the level of difficulty for breaking the rule, and Rafe starts checking them off and collecting points. He also starts acquiring many hours of detention, spends a lot of time in the principal’s office, faces suspension and possibly even expulsion!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid fans will love Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life.
Casting directors are looking for Caucasian kids to play the lead roles of Rafe and Leo. Rafe is described with having “tousled hair and deep brown eyes, Rafe is a fantastic kid, a creative non-conformist who has a hard time playing by the rules – especially when the rules are ridiculous. Much to the dismay of his mom, he’s been kicked out of two schools in the past year and half. Despite that, Rafe is an incredibly talented, imaginative artist who’s smart, clever, funny, warm and enromously likeable. Arriving on the steps of number one rated Hills Village Middle School, he discovers that the school principal is a tyrannical nutcase who runs the school as if it’s a totalitarian state. When the principal destroys his beloved artist’s sketch book, Rafe decides to fight back. He sets out to break every rule in the middle school rulebook. With the help of Leo, Rafe sets out on a wild adventure – and exposes the Principal for the crook he really is.
Leo is described as a 11 to 13 year old that is Energetic and mischievious. “Leo is Rafe’s very best friend and vice-versa. Leo and Rafe go way back as partners in crime, and they share wonderful memories. Leo is an instigator; he urges Rafe to break the rules, Leo has the self-confidence that Rafe is lacking. Smart, funny, likeable, he helps Rafe break ever yrule in the middle school rule book – and they’re the perfect team. Leo should have a big physical presence.
Filming starts this Fall 2015. To apply send a recent photo and a short video slate to: SkoolCastingNY@Gmail.com
For more details check out the casting call flyer below:
Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.
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