“Chicago Fire” was created by Michael Brandt and Derek Haas and was produced by the original Law & Order creator Dick Wolf. But, “Chicago Fire” centers on the story and lives of the firefighters and paramedics working at the Chicago Fire Department. (The firehouse shown on television can actually be found in Engine 18’s Quarters located at 13th Street and Blue Island Avenue.)
Now Casting directors are seeking background actors for various roles in the new TV series, Chicago Fire.
Chicago Fire Extras recently posted the following casting calls:
Casting Alert! Searching for an African American boy, 4’6″ to 4’9″, slim to medium build, to work a few different days. This starts next Tuesday and goes until April 5th. If your child is available to work please send in a photograph with height, weight, age, and phone number. Please send to philocasting@gmail.com and put “PD Tyler” in the subject line.
Casting Alert! I am searching for paramedics to work on 4/1 or 4/2 (it might be one or the other of these days) for “Chicago Fire,” I need to do photo submissions to the director for a fun non-speaking role on the show. If you can work these days (it will just be one of them), please send in a photograph of yourself, in your uniform, with your height, weight, age and phone number to philocasting@gmail.com and put “paramedic” in the subject line. Thanks!
Casting Alert! I am searching for a real barista who knows how to make a maple leaf on a cappuccino. This scene will shoot on Thursday, March 28th. If you can work please send in an e-mail and put “Maple leaf” in the subject line. Send a picture of yourself to philocasting@gmail.com and include the height, weight, age and phone number. Thanks!
Casting Alert! Real Chicago Fire Fighters needed to work as extras in our very cool “Bar Scene”, yep this is the bar of the fire fighters of the show… So, we want some realy fire fighters and also interested in booking their real dates! This is going to be fun. We are searching for males and females, (20’s to 70’s), all ethnicities, to work on Wednesday March 27, if you can work this day please send in a recent photograph in your dress blues, or fire bunker gear, make sure we can see your face! Also send in your dates, picture, close up of their face, and include, height, weight, age, phone number, – if you can also send in a picture of you both together this would be great! We want this bar to look authentic and rock with the real deal fire fighters and their loved one, or date, or friend. Put “Bar 27” in the subject line. Send to philocasting@gmail.com
Casting Alert! Searching for males and females, who haven’t worked on Chicago Fire, ages 30’s to 70’s, all ethnicities, to work as lawyers on Thursday March 21st on “Chicago Fire.” If you can work this day and want to be submitted please send in a recent color photograph, close up of your face, and a full length shot. ABSOLUTELY NO HEADSHOTS OR COMP CARDS PLEASE! Include your height, weight, age, clothing sizes and phone number. Please have a business suit on in the photograph. Send to philocasting@gmail.com and put “lawyer submission” in the subject line.