Playstation Network New Series “Powers” Casting Call
Playstation Network “Powers” Casting Call
All Ethnicities We are searching those with interesting looks. All Shapes and Sizes Some with piercings, wild hair color, gangsters…… With Dragon-Con approaching maybe you have a character you like to bring to life. Show what you got. You should be taking fresh pics to show what you got. Please send a minimum of 3 (Waist up Shot, Full Body and a Full body profile) then fee free to add on any additional photos you believe we need to see. These will be hand selected by the creator of the show so please put your best foot forward with your pictures. Please submit photos as well as your age, ht, wt, and all contact info to Subject: KIDZ STATION HOUSE Detectives and Cops Ages 30-70 Seeking both experienced and non-experienced All ethnicities Interesting Character looks All Shapes and sizes Do you have something that make you stand out? Please list any security/police officer/military experience in the body of the email Please send a minimum of 3 (Waist up Shot, Full Body and a Full body profile) then fee free to add on any additional photos you believe we need to see. These will be hand selected by the creator of the show so please put your best foot forward with your pictures. Please submit photos as well as your age, ht, wt, and all contact info to Subject: STATION
Featured Role
Photo Still Shoot Friday.
Seeking Caucasian Female Brunette
5’8″ – 5’10”
If you fit the description then please email
Include 3 pics (head, body and profile) age, ht, wt, and all contact info.
Subject: MOM
Super Villains Casting Call
CL casting seeks SUPER VILLAN types
No super powers required….
Just super cynical Villany
Are you a maniacal mastermind able to incite mass destruction on a whim? Do the strongest of men shudder in your icy presence? Do you constantly contemplate world domination for your own personal pleasure? Have you ever been exposed to toxic levels of Radiation? Are you often chased by people in latex suits?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions you just might be the super villain type we seek! Casting for Photo stills of most villainous characters for exciting new TV show. Shoot date: FRIDAY, August 29th Location: Atlanta Super villian applicants must email 3-4 photos of your most menacing, severe, and intimidating looks. Be sure to include your full name, cell phone number, age, height, weight, and any super villain traits or tendencies you posess. Please email Subject: SUPER VILLAIN Please forward to any terrifying masterminds you might know….
If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply
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