Public Service Announcement casting call for hispanic actors in Arlington, Virginia
Casting directors are looking for Hispanic male actors ages 16 to 20 to work on a Public Service Announcement filming in Arlington, Virginia. Filming for the PSA will take place on January 12th or January 19th.
To audition for a role on the upcoming PSA, check out the casting call details below:
PSA Commercial Casting Call
We are looking for NON-UNION Hispanic males, 16-20 years old, for a PSA shoot in Arlington, VA. The PSA will film sometime the week of January 12 or January 19, 2015.
For consideration or for more information please email with your headshot/resume and a current snapshot. Please put “PSA Casting” in the subject of your email.
All submissions must be received no later than 4:00 pm Wednesday, December 10, 2014.
We are looking for Washington, DC local talent ONLY at this time. No Phone calls, please!
Thank you!
Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.
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