Print Commercial Casting Call for East Indian women in San Francisco.
Casting directors are currently seeking Bay area local women of East Indian descent for a print commercial advertisement taking place in San Francisco.
Beau Bonneau Casting is looking for SF Bay Area local women from East India that are between 45 to 60 with a professional look to portray Executives.
Talents that are selected will be compensated $850 for their work in the production.
For more details, check out the casting call below:
Print Commercial Casting Call
We are currently seeking Bay Area local Women of East Indian descent, 45-60 with a professional look, portraying Executives. There are no auditions needed. If selected for the shoot, you will work one day only, up to 10 hours, between 8/21 thru 8/26 in the SF Bay Area, again just one day and will be paid $850.
In order to submit, you must be available the majority of the shoot dates as the exact day is tbd. If you would like to be considered, please email the following a.s.a.p. to
- * Subject line: Silicon Valley, Professional, First and Last Name, Approximate Age
- * Cell # and alternate number if you have one
- * Height, Weight, Clothing Sizes
- * Attach 2 new color snapshots (1 full-standing view & 1 close-up) from camera phone or digital camera facing camera and smiling (no hats or sunglasses)
Your photos will be sent to our client and Beau Bonneau Casting will contact you if you are chosen for the print ad.
If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply
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