Fox’s hit TV series ‘Sleepy Hollow’ is looking for scary looking extras to work on a scene filming in Atlanta.
‘Sleepy Hollow’ is a modern day version of Washington Irving’s ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’. A police lieutenant searches for the Headless Horseman after he beheads the sheriff. The serial killing Headless Horseman forces Crane and the lieutenant to team up, especially when they find out that they are destined to be the two witnesses, the only ones who can protect the world from the forces of Hell. ‘Sleepy Hollow’ stars Tom Mison, Nichole Beharie and Orlando Jones.
Marinella Hume Casting, the extras casting director for ‘Sleepy Hollow’ is looking for men with scary looks to be members of a Chinese gang. Casting directors are welcome to all nationalities to apply.
To audition for a role on Fox’s ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Season 3, check out the casting call details below:
Fox’s ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Season 3 Casting Call
is seeking MEN WITH SCARY LOOKS to be the members of a CHINESE Gang. All nationalities are welcome to apply. We would love to see some Japanese, Haitian, Hispanic also.
Please note–the work date is TBD, but it will either be next Monday or Wednesday (Aug. 3 or 5).
**PLEASE NOTE: If you have already applied, please do not reapply; we are submitting your photos to the director.
Please email:
SUBJECT: Gangsters (You have a better chance of getting picked if you try to look mean/angry in your photos–Thanks!)
Email your:
Phone Number
All clothing Sizes (Waist/Inseam, Chest/Jacket, Bust, Shoe, etc)
Current City-This films in the Conyers, GA area.
3 Photos -Clear, well lit cell phone pictures are fine.
1 head shot, 1 full body.
*Bonus points for those who send an everyday look and a more edgy hardcore look.
Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.
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