Casting directors are currently seeking Bay Area fun loving Hispanic/Latino people 12-35 years old that are fluent in both English and Spanish. The following casting call was recently posted by Beau Bonneau Casting. For details see the casting call information below:
Union Toyota Commercial Casting Call Information
Seeking fun loving, energetic Hispanic/Latino people (loving Sons and Daughters) 12-35 years old that like to hang out with their family. Must be fluent in both English and Spanish. We will be asking them questions in English and they will be responding in Spanish. Again must be fluent in both English and Spanish.
Auditions will be held by appointment only on Tuesday, April 16 in San Francisco. If selected for the commercial you will work Monday April 22 (8 hour day) and will receive Union wages.
To submit, email the following info to ASAP:
* Subject line: Car Commercial, First and Last name
* Cell # where we can reach you
* If under 18, age of child
* 2 brand new simple digital photos. One shoulders up and one standing view. No professional photos, no sunglasses, no hats.
Casting Director will review all submissions and will notify you if we would like to audition you.