Casting directors are currently casting talent for an upcoming industrial shoot in Falls Church, Virginia.
Commercial Casting Call Information
For consideration, please email with your headshot/resume. Please put “Industrial Casting – (Role name)” in the subject of the email (Example: “Industrial Casting – Woman 2” or “Industrial Casting – Doctor” etc.). Prior acting experience not necessary. In the body of the email please specify your nationality.
Woman 2:
“Mom living in poverty/Third world Mom”
This should be a woman who looks like she is from a poor African nation. She is wearing clothes that indicate this. Her face should be full of character and reflect the hard conditions under which she lives every day. Her children don’t have enough food, she has to walk five miles to get clean water. She cooks on an outdoor fire. Her children are malnourished and sick. She is worried about surviving every day. Should have African dialect/accent. Ethiopia, Eritrea. Or similar but should be African and not African American.
Man 2:
“Man living in poverty”
This man is tall and lanky, he’s extremely thin/malnourished looking. He is dressed in clothes that are old and missed matched, his eyes are rheumy. He looks like he could from South America (could be an Indian tribe) or Central America (Ecuador, Hoduras). Could be Pacific Islander. Can be from Laos or Korea. He is with his 10-13 year old son, who is holding a beat up ball (soccer ball?). Should have accent.
A young African girl, dressed in an African school uniform. She is about 12 years old. She is holding a few books. Should have strong accent. Not South African.
30-45-year-old-woman. Poverty stricken. Could look Asian, as if from Myanmar or could be Pakistani.
The Doctor:
Should be on the younger side, should be wearing a doctor’s coat, with nametag, credentials. This should look like a “doctors-without borders” person, and does not have to look like a doctor from any certain country we are trying to represent. This could be a 30-year-old Indian woman with an Indian accent.
Small child:
This is a little Aboriginal girl from Australia, four or five years old. She is holding a beat-up stuffed animal and wearing a little dress. Maybe she is Guatemalan? She could be almost anything but African.
Young Adult Male:
This is a young, “hip” Kazakh or Russian male. Not affluent, but not poor, just driven to succeed. He is about 24 years old. Could be anyone really, a mixed background. Just really cool and hip looking. With character.
Middle class, middle-aged couple:
This couple look Palistinian, Syrian, Afghan or Iraqi. They stand with their arms around each other or holding hands. They might be holding a photo of their two teenage sons and their daughter.