‘Untitled Armored Project’ Stand-ins Casting Call in Puerto Rico
The movie centers on the 1997 Loomis Fargo warehouse robbery that occurred in Charlotte, North Carolina where a night guard at an armored car company organizes one of the biggest bank heists in history.
Casting directors in Puerto Rico are seeking stand-ins for the lead actors in the upcoming ‘Untitled Armored Project‘ movie. Producers are looking for talent that resemble the size and shape of the actors in the movie.
For more details check out the casting call below:
‘Untitled Armored Project’ Casting Call
The LUIS TORRES talent agency seeks the STAND INS of these actors for film shooting in the next few weeks.
Well check the measures that must be accurate.
Send your recent pictures with the following information: name: age: phones: height: weight: shirt: pants: a: castingpuertorico@gmail.com
Do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.
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