Entertainment News13 Worst On Set Accidents You Never Knew Happened

13 Worst On Set Accidents You Never Knew Happened


Here are the worst on set accidents you never knew happened on a TV and movie set

Recently, Deadline complied a list of the worst on-set accidents that occurred in the last ten years. As they pointed out, typically producers try to make sure that accidents on sets of movies and TV shows go unreported especially never to the media.

One such movie that was recently revealed to having unsafe working conditions include Selma where a crew member was electrocuted nearly to death after trying to fix a light bulb. But, all of the concern for on set accidents stem from the death of Sarah Jones, a camera assistant that was killed by being ran over an oncoming train.

Here are the 10 worst on set accidents you never knew happened

HT_sarah_jones_jtm_140310_16x9_608Sarah Jones Killed, 6 Others Injured, on Midnight Rider

Employer: Film Allman LLC
OSHA fined the employer $74,000 after finding that it had not furnished a safe workplace “free from recognized hazards that were causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees in that employees were exposed to a hazard of being struck by a moving train.”

ABC CastleSerious Head Injury on ABC's Castle

Employer: ABC Studios, Aka Castle/ABC Studios
At approximately 2:22 a.m. on January 18, , an incident occurred when Employee #1, a stuntman, was to perform a stunt involving the kidnapping of another person. The stunt was performed at a street on the back lot of a television studio. The stunt involved the carrying of another coworker into the open sliding door of a stopped cargo van. The van door was to begin to close and the van was to drive out of camera view. During the first filming of the scene, the stuntman carried the other actor into the van. The van door was latched closed and the van accelerated out of the scene while turning to the left. On the second “take” the door was not closed prior to the movement of the van. Employee #1 thrown out of the right side sliding van door. Employee #1 sustained serious head injuries when his head struck the pavement. Employee #1 was taken to a local area hospital, where surgery was performed due to his injuries from the accident.

Stuntman Seriously Injured when Trampled by a Horse

Employer: Warstein Limited
At 3:00 p.m. on February 9, 2012, Employee #1 was involved in a movie production at the Big Sky Ranch located in Simi Valley, California. Employee #1 sustained serious injuries (unspecified fractures) when he fell from a horse during movie production and was trampled by the horse. Employee #1 was transported to the Los Robles Medical Center and was hospitalized for seven days. Employee #1 underwent multiple surgeries for his injuries. At 3:00 p.m. on February 9, 2012, Employee #1 was involved in a movie production at the Big Sky Ranch located in Simi Valley, California. Employee #1 sustained serious injuries (unspecified fractures) when he fell from a horse during movie production and was trampled by the horse. Employee #1 was transported to the Los Robles Medical Center and was hospitalized for seven days. Employee #1 underwent multiple surgeries for his injuries.

10 Hospitalized in Car Roll-Over

Employer: NBC Universal LLC, doing business as Paqu Films LLC
At approximately 1:45 p.m., on September 20, 2011, a passenger van transporting 14 employees of Paqu Films, LLC rolled over while descending down a dirt road, with a grade varying from 10 to 16. All 14 passengers of the van were evaluated by paramedics and set medic on scene. Employee #1 and Employee #2 were taken by ambulance and Employee #3 was taken by helicopter to Henry Mayo Hospital in Valencia. Production made arrangements for all 11 remaining passengers to go to Henry Mayo Hospital for evaluation as a precaution. Ten passengers agreed to be taken for evaluation, one person refused any further treatment. All 13 crewmembers that were taken to the hospital were evaluated, treated and released the same day.

Fear Factor Casting CallStunt Performer Fractures Feet and Ankles while Testing Stunt for Fear Factor

Employer: Lock And Key Productions Inc., doing business as Fear Factor
On August 18, 2011, Employee #1, a stunt performer, was performing a stunt that involved a controlled descent of approximately 70 ft from a suspended cargo net to the ground. He wore a full-body harness and was supported by a safety line that was connected to a 100-ton crane mast and was also under the control of a decelerator device. This device was designed provide a controlled descent to the ground during the final portion of the fall. When the safety line became kinked in one of the pulleys, slack continued to build on the other side. After the kink worked through the pulley, the slack resulted in an additional 8 ft free fall, causing Employee #1 to strike the ground. He was immediately treated at the scene by the on-site set paramedic and was subsequently hospitalized for fractures of both feet and ankles. Prior to the incident, several trial runs were conducted successfully using sand bags and mannequins.

Two Grips Hurt in Fall from Scenery Frame

Employer: Finnmax, LLC
At approximately 4:30 p.m. on June 5, 2011, Employees #1 and #2, represented by IATSE (apparently, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) Local 80, were performing their assigned duties as full-time grips. The employees were working for a television show production company that was producing a television program at a movie studio in Burbank, CA. To produce the program, the production company was renting a stage on a studio lot, and the set was being prepared for a show taping. The production company had rented a scenery frame, called a “ribb”, from a scenery rental company, via a production design company. Representatives from a rigging company that specialized in the movie and television industry had directed the erection of the “ribb”. Supervisors from the production company assigned Employee's #1 and #2 the task of hanging “black out” cloth, called duvetyn, on the “ribb”. Employees #1 and #2 climbed the “ribb” and connected their lanyards to the “ribb” frame. While Employees #1 and #2 were working, the “ribb” collapsed, and they fell approximately 20 to 25 feet to the floor. Employee #1 fractured his right fibula and injured his calf muscles and back. He was transported to a USC hospital, where he was treated and released. Employee #2 experienced back pain and sustained facial lacerations, as well as injuries to his right elbow and right hand. He was transported to Holy Cross Medical Center, where he was treated and released. Production company representatives reported the accident at 8:13 p.m. on June 5, 2011. The production company was cited for failing to maintain inspection records, failing to establish an Injury and Illness Prevention Program, and lack of adequate fall protection.

JustifiedStuntwoman Put into Induced Coma after Being Hit by a Car on Justified

Employer: Woodbridge Productions, Inc., doing business as Justified
At 1:20 a.m. on February 3, 2011, an employee was working for Woodridge Productions, Inc., dba as “Justified,” a television program the firm was producing. She was on the set of “Justified” in , CA. Woodridge Productions, Inc., was the production company for a television program called “Justified.” The accident involved a stuntwoman performing on camera in an automobile crash scene. The scene being shot involved two cars. One was driven by the “good guy” and the other by the “bad guy.” The “good guy” car was making a right turn at a corner, and the “bad guy” car was going straight. The “bad guy” car engaged the “good guy” car at the “good guy” car's rear bumper and performed a “PIT maneuver.” The area was then cleared, and the “good guy” car performed a 270-degree spin with no obstructions. The spin left the “good guy” car positioned as if it had backed into a parking space. The next part of the scene involved the “bad guy” car's backing into the side of the “good guy” car. That portion of the scene was rehearsed and shot four times without contact between the cars. The cameras were then repositioned to feature the impact between the two cars. A safety meeting was held, at which it was explained that the action would be the same as before, except that contact would now be made. The employee was standing beside the rear quarter panel of a car opposite of where contact was to be made. She was wearing 3-inch (7.6-cm) high heel shoes and was simply to run off-camera behind the “good guy” car. As contact was made, the “good guy” car bumped her. She fell on the sidewalk and hit her head. The road's surface had previously been wetted down to facilitate the cars' sliding, but now the surface was dry but dark. Her injuries include a skinned left ankle and a skull fracture. She was in a drug-induced coma for several days. Later, she was awake and talking, but she was still in an ICU as of February 9, 2011. The accident was reported by the Los Angeles Fire Department at 2:39 a.m. the same day and by the employer's safety representative at 9:26 a.m. the same day to the Los Angeles office of Cal/OSHA.

Exposure to Toxic Fumes on Paramount's Contagion

Employer: Paramount
On November 1, 2010, Employee #1, a foreman sign writer, was working in the front room of the sign shop, gluing double stack PVC stand-off letters for a production called “Contagion”. Employee #1 used 3 tubes of Devcon Plastic Welder Adhesive and Activator to attach the letters. The Devcon Plastic Welder Adhesive and Activator contain the following: methacrylic acid; methyl methacrylate monomer; chlorosulfonated polyethylene; carbon tetrachloride; 3, 5- diethyl-1, 2-dihydro-1-phenyl-2-propylpyridine; and trade secret ingredients. He stated that he used the product for a total of 2.5 hours and experienced no health symptoms during the use of the product. He stated that later that night, at approximately 9:00 p.m., he started experiencing a headache, which he characterized as more severe than the headaches he normally experiences and also experienced a bloody nose. Employee #1 called in sick during the week as his symptoms became worse. On November 5, 2010, Employee #1 went to the emergency room where he was given pain medication for his headache and was released. On Monday, November 8, 2010, Employee #1 went to his private physician who performed blood tests and diagnosed him as dehydrated with elevated liver enzymes. He was admitted and received an IV for 4 days without any other treatment. Employee #1 was released Friday, November 12, 2010 with no residual symptoms and was informed by his physician that he could return to full duty without work restrictions.


truebloodStuntman injured in fall on HBO's True Blood

Employer: Fangbanger Productions Inc.
At approximately 11:15 a.m. on April 28, 2009, Employee #1, a stuntman, was working for Fangbanger Productions Incorporation at a location in Whittier, CA. He was participating in the filming of the premium-television show series, True Blood. The filming occurred at Rose Hills Mortuary and Memorial Park, inside the Sky Rose Chapel. For the film, he was to simulate being thrown backwards. The stuntmen rehearsed outside of the chapel by performing the identical stunt several times, according to witnesses. Once the stunt was ready to be filmed, the pads and extension ladder was set up inside the chapel for filming. Two witnesses stated approximately eight pads were placed on the ground to support two stuntmen falling within the same vicinity. During the first run of the stunt inside the chapel, Employee #1 was pulled backwards by a rigger. Employee #1 flew backwards approximately 10 ft. As he landed, the back of his head missed the pad and hit the concrete/tiled floor, causing his injury. He was transported to LAC-USC Medical Center, where he was hospitalized for two nights to receive treatment for head injuries.

Worker Breaks Back in Fall from Scaffolding

Employer: Ironworks Productions
On June 4, 2007, Employee #1 was working as a special effects worker for a movie production company. Employee #1 and a crafts services worker were working from a single level, 12-ft scaffold platform which was being used as a set and grip bed for the Ironman movie being filmed at the studio. The employees were attempting to place a break-away wall on the platform of the scaffold to continue erecting the movie set. In order to land the break-away wall with a forklift, Employee #1 and the coworker removed the guardrail while Employee #1 was standing on the scaffold platform. According to Employee #1, the coworker worked from a ladder below the scaffold to remove the lower bolts. After they removed the bolts from the guardrail, the rail started to fall and Employee #1 lost his balance and fell approximately 12 ft to the working level. Employee #1 was hospitalized was diagnosed with shattered heel bones, and a fracture of the L-3 disc. Employee #1 was hospitalized for two weeks.

Worker Sustains Facial Fractures Testing Movie Prop

Employer: Good Time Charlie Productions LLC, NBC Universal Studios
At approximately 2:23 p.m. on January 18, 2007, Employee #1 and a coworker were test-firing the visual characteristics of a cylindrical round, constructed with cardboard and using black powder as a propellant, to simulate a 44-mm Stinger missile. The round was fired from a hand held device consisting of a steel cylinder “mortar” attached to a wooden rifle stock and using an electrical device powered by a 9-volt battery for firing. Employee #1 was injured when the round exploded within the device while he was firing it. Employee #1 sustained fractures to his face. Employee #1 was hospitalized for 12 days.

Johnny-Depp-in-Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-4Stuntman Suffers Pelvic Fracture on Pirates of the Caribbean II

Employer: Second Mate Productions
On July 21, 2005, an employee was performing stunt rehearsals for the motion picture “Pirates of the Caribbean II” at Disney Ranch in Valencia, CA. He was rehearsing a stunt that would simulate rolling from a horizontal position while falling from a height of 80-feet and then transitioning into a vertical spin while continuing downward to the ground. The stunt was scripted and choreographed to utilize a descender device and a full body harness that would control the speed of the fall so that the stunt performer could perform the required gymnastics while he was falling. The stunt had been successfully rehearsed by the same performer one month prior. On the day of the accident, the employee had successfully completed the combined stunt and gymnastic routine from a lower starting point for warm-up earlier that morning. The accident occurred when the employee's legs became separated while he was descending and he was unable to pull them together due to the inertia from the spinning and falling motions. All equipment functioned as intended. The employee came to a stop when he reached his targeted elevation and was hanging from the pick point on the hip of his personal flying harness. He did not strike the ground or the stunt pads that were provided on the ground. The set medic was on scene at the time of the accident and attended to the employee. The employee was transported by ambulance to Henry Mayo Hospital in Newhall, where he was admitted and received surgery for a pelvis fracture and sacral disruption and ongoing rehabilitation and physical therapy. The employee was an experienced gymnast and had been performing stunts since 1997.

Badly Burned in Explosion

Employer: Paramount Pictures
On June 6, 2005, Employee #1, a Paramount Pictures special effects technician, sustained second- and third-degree burns over more than 50 percent of his body when special effects pyrotechnics exploded unexpectedly while he was in proximity. He was stabilized at the scene by on-site emergency medical personnel, and then airlifted to Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital. He was later transferred to Torrance Memorial Medical Center in extremely critical condition. Employee #1 was hospitalized for four months and underwent numerous surgeries and skin grafts. The investigation that the pyrotechnic device detonated as a result of a short circuit.

The scary part is that many accidents go unreported on movie and TV sets…

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Megan Diane
Hi, I'm Megan Browne, the Head of Partnerships at Project Casting - a job board for the entertainment industry. As Head of Partnerships, I help businesses find the best talent for their influencer campaigns, photo shoots, and film productions. Creating these partnerships has enabled me to help businesses scale and reach their true potential. I'm excited to continue driving growth by connecting people with projects they're passionate about.

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