
New Orleans

Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back New Orleans Casting Call for Teens

Tom Cruise's new movie is now casting teens in New Orleans, Louisiana. Central Casting Louisiana is looking for African American and Hispanic men and women...

$2,000 NFL Commercial Casting Call for New Orleans Saints Fans

NFL commercial casting call in New Orleans, Louisiana. Are you a really big New Orleans Saints fans? If so, we have good news for you....

MTV ‘Scream’ New Orleans Casting Call for New Talent

MTV is looking for YOU! MTV's Scream season 2 is now casting men and women 18 and older who can play high school students to work on...

MTV ‘Scream’ Season 2 Casting Call for Stage Hands

MTV's Scream season 2 is now casting high school stage hands in New Orleans, Louisiana MTV is now casting men and women over the age of 18...

‘The Jade Earring’ Movie is Now Hiring Actors for a Futuristic Scene

Warner Bros. new movie ‘The Jade Earring‘ starring Hugh Jackman is now hiring background actors for a futuristic dystopia scene in New Orleans, Louisiana. Casting directors are now hiring...


The Story Behind ‘Ghostbusters’ 2016 Flop

Key Takeaways: - 'Ghostbusters' 2016 reboot was deemed a commercial...

The Endearing Charm of Sandra Bullock – Hollywood’s Sweetheart

Key Takeaways: - Sandra Bullock's on-screen presence is magnetic and...

Georgia-Filmed ‘Megalopolis’ Flops At the Box Office

Key Takeaways: - Legendary director Francis Ford Coppola's long-awaited film...

Unveiling Secrets of Guillermo del Toro’s Long-Awaited Frankenstein

Key Takeaways: - Guillermo del Toro has been dreaming of...