
san francisco casting calls

$6000 Commercial Casting Call for Fit Models in San Francisco

Commercial casting call for fit models in San Francisco, California. Nancy Hayes Casting is looking for fit models to work on an upcoming commercial filming...

$2000 Commercial Casting Call for Mother and Daughters in San Francisco

Paid commercial casting call for Mothers and Daughters in San Francisco, California. Beau Bonneau Casting is looking for mother/daughter combos ages 30 to 60 to...

$1000 Citrix Commercial Casting Call for Business Professionals in San Francisco

Commercial casting call for business professionals in San Francisco, California. Citrix is the leader in mobile workspaces, providing virtualization, networking and cloud services to enable...


The Story Behind ‘Ghostbusters’ 2016 Flop

Key Takeaways: - 'Ghostbusters' 2016 reboot was deemed a commercial...

The Endearing Charm of Sandra Bullock – Hollywood’s Sweetheart

Key Takeaways: - Sandra Bullock's on-screen presence is magnetic and...

Georgia-Filmed ‘Megalopolis’ Flops At the Box Office

Key Takeaways: - Legendary director Francis Ford Coppola's long-awaited film...

Unveiling Secrets of Guillermo del Toro’s Long-Awaited Frankenstein

Key Takeaways: - Guillermo del Toro has been dreaming of...