Tips and AdviceInfluencersHow to Become an Instagram Influencer: 6 Tips to Becoming an Influencer

How to Become an Instagram Influencer: 6 Tips to Becoming an Influencer


Learn how to become an Instagram Influencer

The number of people who are on social media continues to grow. With that, the opportunities for influencers also increase. Influencers are able to make money by getting paid by companies and brands to promote their products or services. This blog post will give you six ways that you can become an Instagram influencer!

Take Professional Photos

The first way to become an Instagram influencer is by taking professional photos. Many Instagram accounts are successful because they have high-quality images that people want to look at and share! Another reason Instagram can be a great place for influencers is that it's the perfect platform for businesses that mainly sell products/services online. If you fit into this category then Instagram might just be the right social media channel for your business!

To take good pictures on Instagram there are some simple that should help:

  • Use Natural Lighting – Use natural lighting– You can make a good picture by putting lots of white space.- Make sure all text has clear contrast between itself and its background color (if using)- Take multiple shots so you get one where everything looks good!

Sometimes having Instagram photos that are Instagram-ready is just not enough. You can take your Instagram pictures to the next level by using apps like Photoshop or Lightroom!

PENANG, MALAYSIA – April 13 2018: Woman holding smartphone with social internet service Instagram on the screen. – Image (AngieYeoh /

Post Engaging Content

The second way to become an Instagram influencer is by posting engaging content on a regular basis. The more often you post, the better chance you have of gaining engagement which leads to people following you and being interested in what you have to say. If every day there are new posts with images/videos then followers will be much more likely to engage with them versus if they see no activity for days at a time. One thing about Instagram though, it's important that all of your posts do not sound exactly the same because this won't keep your audience engaged! Instagram audiences want to see a variety of content that includes photos, videos, and links as well as Instagram stories. Making yourself sound different from everyone else is an important way for Instagram influencers to stand out! A great example would be someone who has a blog where they post about business ideas/strategies every week on Instagram. The audience knows what type of posts to expect so it makes them more engaged because they're interested in seeing the new information first!

Use Hashtags

Another way you can make your Instagram account engaging is by using hashtags! There are two main ways hashtag usage helps with engagement: – Make sure all your captions include at least one relevant tag. – When posting images use three or four relevant tags – Using Instagram Stories, Instagram will recommend relevant hashtags that they think your audience might be interested in

Using Instagram Stories

The fourth way you can become an Instagram influencer is by using Instagram stories. Instagram stories are a great place to connect with followers because it's less formal than just posting a regular photo or video! This gives the opportunity for people who follow you on Instagram to get more of a chance to see how fun and interesting you are as a person which could help them relate even better to what it is your business does! Another reason why Instagram stories have been so successful is there have been many new features added since its first release such as: – Replaying someone's story if their phone was offline when they posted. – Instagram stories now have Instagram direct messaging built into it. – Instagram Stories has a ‘Type' feature that allows you to write text on your images and videos! Instagram Followers

Gain Instagram Followers

The final way an Instagram influencer can be successful is by gaining more followers. There are some simple ways to gain new followers: Ask people for their email addresses when they make purchases from the website/storefront of your business or sign up for newsletters. Include links in captions where people can click through and follow you as well as use hashtags relevant to what type of content they're interested in seeing from you (engagement tip #11) Make sure all posts include a clear call-to-action to gain Instagram followers!

Use Instagram Ads

Use Instagram ads to get more likes, comments, and followers. An Instagram ad is a great way for even the smallest businesses to grow their following on Instagram fast without having to spend too much money upfront!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do Instagram influencers get paid?

Instagram influencers can get paid if they have a business Instagram account. They do this by tagging the brand that they are promoting in their Instagram post and getting them to pay for it! Brands will often give Instagrammers free products or gift cards to promote their brands on Instagram as well, but there is no promise of payment like you would see with sponsored posts (blog content continues here).

Is it hard to become an Instagram influencer?

Instagram influencers are made, not born! There is nothing that makes Instagram influencers automatically more talented than anyone else. It's all about the type of content they put out and how many people like it enough to follow them on Instagram (blog post continues here).

Do Instagram Influencer make a lot of money?

Yes! This would be one way for social media users to gain major income especially if you have over 100k followers on Instagram because brands will pay anywhere from $200-$2000+ per post depending on your following size/engagement rate.

What does an Instagram influencer do?

An Instagram influencer can act as anything they want including models, stylists, bloggers, Instagram personalities, etc. Instagram influencers have the to influence what brands you buy and who you follow on social media!

Common Questions:

Instagram Acting Talent

Do Instagram influencers get paid?

Instagram influencers can get paid if they have a business Instagram account. They do this by tagging the brand that they are promoting in their Instagram post and getting them to pay for it! Brands will often give Instagrammers free products or gift cards to promote their brands on Instagram as well (blog content continues here). Is it hard to become an Instagram Influencer? Instagram influencers are made not born! There is nothing that makes Instagram Influencer automatically more talented than anyone else. It's about the type of content

How many followers do you need to be an Instagram influencer?

Instagram influencers need to have at least 1000 followers in order for brands to be interested (blog post continues here). How do I become an Instagram Influencer? There are many ways you can grow your Instagram following! One way is by using Instagram stories, tagging relevant hashtags on photos/videos, and asking people for their email addresses when they make purchases from the business's website or sign up for newsletters. Another way is by promoting your Instagram profile through Instagram ads which makes it even easier to gain new likes & followers because there's a guarantee that you will reach someone who isn't already following you yet! You can also use Instagram ads as another source of income if you choose so. Brands often will pay Instagram influencers anywhere from $200-$2000+ depending on your following size/engagement rate. What does an Instagram influencer do? Instagram Influencers can act as anything they want including models, stylists, bloggers, Instagram personalities, etc. Instagram Influencers have the power to influence what brands you buy and who you follow!

How much money do 10K Instagram followers make?

Instagram influencers can make anywhere from $200-$2000+ per post depending on their following size/engagement rate (blog content continues here).

Does Instagram Influencer get paid?

Yes! Instagram influencers are made, not born. There is nothing that makes Instagram influencers automatically more talented than anyone else. It's all about the type of content they put out and how many people like it enough to follow them on Instagram.


Can Instagram pay you?

Absolutely. Instagram influencers are making big bucks promoting products that they love, and it's easier than ever to use Instagram for your own business or brand with the right strategies in place.

Here are six ways you can become an Instagram Influencer:

– Use hashtags on every post – Post consistently – Interact with followers by commenting regularly – Run giveaways through Instagram Stories – Sell merch through Instagram Direct – Collaborate with other brands online – make great content together! These tips will help you become an Instagram influencer and make money off of your Instagram account.

How many followers do you need to get verified?

Instagram is very strict with its verification process, so you need to have a big following before Instagram will even consider verifying your account. Instagram uses an algorithm that calculates the likelihood of someone searching for your username and clicking on it. If they think there is enough interest in you (in other words – if they think people are using Instagram's search feature to find more accounts like yours), then they may verify you as being relevant. – Be consistent – Post high-quality images – Use hashtags wisely – Engage with others on Instagram These are just some tips that can help grow your social media presence! Do not forget about consistency when trying to become an Instagram influencer, because it isn't easy gaining followers overnight. Instagram wants to know that it can trust you, so make sure you post high-quality photos and use relevant hashtags. Don't forget about engaging with other Instagram users! – Instagram is very strict – Instagram will verify your account if they think people are searching for you – Post high-quality images – Use hashtags wisely Be consistent when trying to become an Instagram influencer – it isn't easy gaining followers overnight. Engage with others on Instagram too! Do not forget about consistency, because Instagram wants to know that they can trust you as a blogger or social media influencer. Make sure you post high-quality photos and use hashtags wisely

How much does Instagram pay for 1m followers?

Instagram is a social media platform that we all use to share our lives with friends and family. Instagram has evolved from just posting pictures of your food, pets or selfies to becoming an influencer who makes money for their posts on Instagram. – The more followers you have, the greater opportunity you will have when it comes to advertising deals and endorsements. – To become an Instagram Influencer one must first build a large following which means putting in time creating content worthy of being shared by others. – You can get paid anywhere from $500 -$5000 per post depending upon how many followers you have and what type of endorsement/advertising deal they are looking for. – One way to gain Instagram Followers quickly is using hashtags that are popular and trending. Instagrammers will search through hashtags to find posts they want to follow, comment on, or like. – An Instagram Influencer with over 100k followers can to $2500 per post while an Instagrammer with 500k+ followers can earn around $20,000 per post. – Instagrammers with a large following can also make money through Instagram Stories. Instagram stories are videos and pictures that only last for 24 hours before disappearing into cyberspace. – You can sign up as an influencer on sites like Socialyte or VaynerMedia to get paid for your posts. Some other ways you can sell yourself is by emailing companies directly or asking followers if they would be interested in buying products/services from you. – If someone has over 500k Instagram Followers, they will most likely start their own IGTV since it's still growing and not everyone uses the app yet.


Regarding social media, there is no that Instagram is one of the most popular platforms. With over 800 million active users, it is an excellent place for businesses and individuals to connect with their target audience.

Instagram can help promote products and services for businesses. However, standing out from the crowd and getting noticed can be challenging. This is where Instagram influencers come in.

An Instagram influencer has a large following on the platform and is considered an expert in their field. They use their influence to promote products and services that they believe in.

There are many benefits to working with Instagram influencers. They can help businesses reach a larger audience, build trust and credibility, and increase sales.

Here are some of the top Instagram influencers in the US:

  1. Kim Kardashian (@kimkardashian) – 104 million followers

Kim Kardashian is a reality TV star, model, entrepreneur, and social media influencer. She has over 104 million followers on Instagram and is considered one of the most influential people on the platform. Kim uses her influence to promote products and brands she believes in, such as fashion and beauty.

Kim Kardashian uses her IG to promote her fragrance, fashion, and shapewear brands.

  1. Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) – 139 million followers

Selena Gomez is a singer, actress, and producer. She has over 139 million followers on Instagram and is among the most-followed people on the platform. Selena uses her influence to promote brands she is passionate about, such as and Puma.

  1. Ariana Grande (@arianagrande) – 157 million followers

Ariana Grande is a singer, songwriter, and actress. She has over 157 million followers on Instagram. Ariana Grande endorses several brands on her IG, such as Reebok and .

  1. Beyoncé (@beyonce) – 129 million followers

Beyoncé is a singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman. She has over 129 million followers on Instagram. Beyoncé uses her influence to promote a number of brands and products, including her own fashion line.

  1. Kylie Jenner (@kyliejenner) – 158 million followers

Kylie Jenner is a model, entrepreneur, and social media influencer. She has over 158 million followers on Instagram. Kylie uses her influence to promote products from her own beauty line and other brands she is passionate about.

If you're looking to be an Instagram influencer like these top 5 in the US, it's important to note that brands will choose someone who aligns with their brand and has a genuine interest in your products or services. Brands will consider your engagement rate (the number of likes and comments you get per post), your followers, and your audience when making a decision.

If you're interested in becoming an Instagram influencer, there are a few things you can do to get started:

  1. Increase your following – The first step is to grow your audience. You can do this by posting engaging content, using hashtags, and running giveaways.
  2. Engage with your audience – Once you have a large following, engaging with followers is essential. Respond to comments and questions and like and comment on their posts.
  3. Collaborate with brands – Once you've built up a good relationship with your audience, you can start collaborating with brands. You can promote their products or services in your posts or by running sponsored posts.
  4. Get paid – Once you've established yourself as an influencer, you can start to get paid for your posts. Brands usually offer to pay you per post, or you can negotiate a fee.

How to grow your Instagram followers:

  1. Find your niche. What kind of content do you want to share with the world? What do you have to offer that is unique and interesting? Identify your place and begin creating content that resonates with your target audience.
  2. Post consistently. Give something for people to engage with always and return to.
  3. Use hashtags. Hashtags reach new people and widen the reach of your content. Using hashtags can also make you more searchable. 
  4. Engage with other users. Instagram is all about community. You need to engage with other users. Like and comment on their content, follow them and start building relationships.
  5. Run giveaways and contests. Everyone loves a good giveaway or contest. Running one is a great way to get people excited about your brand and what you have to offer.
  6. Ask your followers to help you by asking them to share your content. Asking your followers to do something is a great way to increase engagement and get people involved with your content.
  7. Be genuine. To be successful on Instagram, you need to be honest. Share your story, be yourself, and connect with your audience personally.

By following these tips, you can start on to becoming an Instagram influencer. 

Keeping your Instagram secure 

As with any social media platform, keeping your account secure is essential. Here are a few tips to help you do that:

  1. A strong password is essential for your account to be safe. Use a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols in your password.
  2. Use unique passwords for all your accounts. If one of your accounts is hacked, all your accounts are at risk. Using different passwords for each account helps to keep them all safe.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication for an layer of security to your account. When you enable this feature, you'll be prompted to enter a code every time you try to log in.
  4. Be careful what you share. Don't share your home address or phone number on Instagram. Also, be mindful of the photos and videos you share. If you wouldn't want someone to see it, don't post it.
  5. Report any suspicious activity. If you see something on Instagram that doesn't seem right, report it to the platform. You can do this by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of a post and selecting “Report.”

By following these tips, you can help to keep your Instagram account safe and secure.

History of Instagram 

  • Instagram was founded in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. The app was initially designed as a photo-sharing service but has since evolved into much more. In 2012, acquired Instagram for $1 billion.
  • In 2015, Instagram introduced video content with the launch of Instagram Stories. This allowed users to share short videos or photos that disappeared after 24 hours.
  • In 2016, Instagram launched live video, allowing users to stream live footage to their followers.
  • In 2017, Instagram introduced the ability to share photos and videos with friends through direct messaging.
  • In 2018, Instagram launched IGTV, a long-form video platform for creators and influencers to share videos up to 10 minutes long.
  • As Instagram has grown, it has become one of the most popular social media platforms. As of 2019, there are over 1 billion monthly active users on Instagram.


Megan Diane
Hi, I'm Megan Browne, the Head of Partnerships at Project Casting - a job board for the entertainment industry. As Head of Partnerships, I help businesses find the best talent for their influencer campaigns, photo shoots, and film productions. Creating these partnerships has enabled me to help businesses scale and reach their true potential. I'm excited to continue driving growth by connecting people with projects they're passionate about.

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