CASTING Amazing Cast But Know What Hiding in The DARK Comes To LIGHT
Casting application for a Television show and believe you’d be great for a new show we are casting for and wanted to share the opportunities
Television (Producers) is now casting 10 talented casts of Men and Women of all races and sexuality to see if they can all live under one roof and show the world their everyday lives.
Is your personality unique and upbeat and can you last staying in a house with others in a mansion?
10 castmates living under one room and they show the world a life away from social society and they have to figure their life out and battle their demons while living with 9 other strangers
Whatever your talent, we want to see it! And if you don’t have a talent we still need to see your personality come through.
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As a contestant, you will play games with 5 other contestants to see if you meet anyone you like. Generally, contestants only appear in one episode, though there are opportunities to come back for an additional episode or two.
The Game Show of Love is an interactive virtual dating game show that takes place live over Zoom. We are now casting for Season 2. In each episode 6 contestants get to know each other through a series of (f)unconventional games and questions. At the end of the episode, they submit secretly the name of the person they want to match with and if two people pick each other, they’ve met their match! It’s a fun, light-hearted way to meet new people virtually during a pandemic. We’ve also built a Facebook community of almost 1000 people! Apply here: