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HomeDavey & Jonesie’s Locker – Lead Roles Casting Call

Davey & Jonesie’s Locker – Lead Roles Casting Call


Davey & Jonesie’s Locker – Lead Roles



Episodic- 10 episodes x 30 minutes
This is a live-action TEEN COMEDY
Network: Hulu in the US and a popular streaming partner in Canada
Production Companies: marblemedia, Mark Bishop, Matt Hornburg, Carrie Paupst Shaughnessy, AJ Trauth
Producer: David Lowe
Creator/Writer: Evany Rosen
Tentative Outside Dates: April 10 – June 5, 2023
Location: Toronto and surrounding areas



  • This is a live-action TEEN COMEDY
  • Please be sure to read BOTH character descriptions as each description provides insight for BOTH roles.
  • For any talent that would need to travel to Canada if booked- both talent and Guardian must have a valid passport

Option: Davey and Jonesie will be Optioned at 1 + 3 (3 additional years).

[DAVEY] Female. Seeking talent 16-18 (must look 14-15) (LEAD) 
Theatrical, impulsive and an out and out goof, everything Davey touches turns to fun drama and zany chaos. Prone to flights of fancy and elaborate romantic fantasies – Davey’s overactive imagination means she dreams big and she dreams hard. As such, she often has a tendency to gloss over important details or skip the “thinking it through” step in favor of diving straight in. An only child of older parents, Davey can tend towards being a people pleaser, but this often works at odds with her desire to make a splash – so she frequently finds herself desperate to fit in but only by standing out. Fortunately, she isn’t afraid of looking like a nut, and if someone (especially Jonesie) finds themselves in the unwanted spotlight, she’s more than happy to loudly make a fool of herself to protect them. Despite her sensitive nature and high emotional intelligence, she can be a little self-absorbed or even a bit of a bulldozer when she gets too pumped. But she’s ultimately the most generous, selfless and brave kid you’ll ever meet – and she’s got Killer taste in friends…

[JONESIE] Female. Seeking talent 16-18 (must look 14-15). (LEAD) 
Artsy, sarcastic and a little macabre – Jonesie is the deadpan, one-liner slinging yin to Davey’s effusively goofy yang. If Davey is a sensitive extrovert, Jonesie is what you’d call a confident introvert – it’s not that she’s shy, she just doesn’t ever feel the need to express herself how you think she should. And while she too loves to stand out and be different, she’s a little less comfortable in the spotlight. She’s more of a lurk in the shadows for fun kind of gal. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t just as brave in her own way. Enamoured of anything offbeat, creepy or strange, Jonesie is never one to shy away from new experiences and tends to be ultra adventurous in the face of the unexplained. She also has no problem standing up to literally anyone she thinks is being a bully, a coward or simply inauthentic. Some people find her too dry and a little off-putting. Davey thinks she’s the funniest, coolest person in the world. And the feeling is very much mutual. Jonesie can be a bit stubborn and blunt – and with three older sisters always bossing her around, her fear of being “walked all over” can occasionally make her dig in her heels. But at the end of the day, Davey and Jonesie’s friendship is usually a perfect harmony of personalities. Like that time they found a dead bird and Jonesie was obsessed with looking at it while Davey was obsessed with planning its funeral. And together they spent an entire weekend performing an elaborate death ritual for it instead of going to the soccer meet their parents signed them up for. Classic…

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Hi, My name is Vincent Di Lella. I am currently a student at George Brown college majoring in Video Design and Production. I am currently looking for three actors in order to make my short horror thesis film Method. I am looking for two men and woman, ages 20-30.

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