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HomeLos Angeles Casting Call for Babies, Toddlers

Los Angeles Casting Call for Babies, Toddlers

Baby and Toddler Casting Call

Job Details: We are conducting an open casting call for babies and toddlers aged 0-5 years old for an upcoming project. This is a fantastic opportunity for your little one to take their first steps into the world of entertainment. The project promises a fun and friendly environment, ensuring a positive experience for both parents and children.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Engage with casting directors and photographers in a playful and natural manner.
  • Follow simple instructions during the casting process.
  • Maintain a cheerful and cooperative attitude throughout the audition.


  • Age: 0-5 years old
  • Must be local to Los Angeles or the surrounding areas.
  • No prior experience necessary.


  • Competitive compensation will be provided for selected participants.
  • Travel expenses will not be covered.

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