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Virginia Casting Calls & Acting Auditions

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  • Virginia

Seeking Talent for Upcoming Beverage Project – Richmond VA – NU – 4/26


Our client is seeking the following talent for an upcoming project filming in Richmond VA on 4/26.  This is a nonunion project.  Talent will be unrecognizable in the final project.  This is for an alcoholic beverage company so please make sure you are comfortable with that reference (no drinking is required in this project).  Here are the details:


  • (1 hero / 3-5 support) 
  • Open ethnicity and gender
  • For all arms, weʼre looking for a diverse range of race, body type, and age. Multiple options will help us mix and match to ensure inclusivity. Please no nail art; weʼre looking for more natural hands here.
  • They should be adept at holding the can in various poses, cracking cans, pouring ingredients, etc. Everyone should also be OK with a light application of grease or oil, should we need their arms to shine on camera against our dark set. 


  • For our hero talent set of arms, weʼre looking for muscular, freedom-fighter-esque limbs. Over 25 and likely male, but open to anyone who fits the description. Theyʼre obviously strong, but not over the top. They have a gruff look to them, not too delicate or clean in an unmarked sense. Body hair is cool.
  • Tattoos are also cool unless they have noticeable words or brand logos (if we are showing the tattoos, they will need to be released by the artist). 


  • For our support arms talent, we want a mix of characters to help make it look like as many different people as possible in edit. Hereʼs what weʼre looking for…. Clean, delicate arms with a graceful air to them. If our hero arms are larger and muscular, maybe these ones are noticeably smaller. Super strong bodybuilder arms; since our hero wonʼt be over the top, it could be fun to cast someone who is for one of our support sets. Elderly arms; someone clearly older but still just as capable of handing the can. Super hairy; the wolf-ier the better. 


  • 1x TBD Longform 
  • 1x :30 Cut down 
  • 2x :15 Cut downs 

Media: All Media, except broadcast, including but not limited to All Forms of Online, Social, Digital, Internet Streaming (OTT), New Media, Industrial (including but not limited to cinema, in store, and other places of public assembly), BTS, Stills lifted from footage, PR, Award Submission, reels, case studies, and archival rights on client owned channels in perpetuity. 

Term: Complete buyout in perpetuity 


  • Hero Arm (1) – $500 less any applicable fees.  Session is expected to be 10 hours.  Includes buyout.
  • Supporting Arms (3 to 5) – $300 less any applicable fees.  Session is expected to be 6 hours.  Includes buyout.
  • No travel or any other compensation will be provided.



Seeking Talent for Upcoming Beverage Project – Richmond VA – NU – 4/26

Our client is seeking the following talent for an upcoming project filming in Richmond VA on 4/26.  This is a nonunion project.  Talent will be unrecognizable in the final project.  This is for an alcoholic beverage company so please make sure you are comfortable with that reference (no drinking is required in this project).  Here are the details:

(1 hero / 3-5 support) 
Open ethnicity and gender
For all arms, weʼre looking for a diverse range of race, body type, and age. Multiple options will help us mix and match to ensure inclusivity. Please no nail art; weʼre looking for more natural hands here. They should be adept at holding the can in various poses, cracking cans, pouring ingredients, etc. Everyone should also be OK with a light application of grease or oil, should we need their arms to shine on camera against our dark set. 

HERO ARMS – For our hero talent set of arms, weʼre looking for muscular, freedom-fighter-esque limbs. Over 25 and likely male, but open to anyone who fits the description. Theyʼre obviously strong, but not over the top. They have a gruff look to them, not too delicate or clean in an unmarked sense. Body hair is cool. Tattoos are also cool unless they have noticeable words or brand logos (if we are showing the tattoos, they will need to be released by the artist). 

SUPPORT ARMS – For our support arms talent, we want a mix of characters to help make it look like as many different people as possible in edit. Hereʼs what weʼre looking for…. Clean, delicate arms with a graceful air to them. If our hero arms are larger and muscular, maybe these ones are noticeably smaller. Super strong bodybuilder arms; since our hero wonʼt be over the top, it could be fun to cast someone who is for one of our support sets. Elderly arms; someone clearly older but still just as capable of handing the can. Super hairy; the wolf-ier the better. 

1x TBD Longform 
1x :30 Cut down 
2x :15 Cut downs 

Term: Complete buyout in perpetuity 

Hero Arm (1)
$500 less any applicable fees.  Session is expected to be 10 hours.  Includes buyout.

Supporting Arms (3 to 5)
$300 less any applicable fees.  Session is expected to be 6 hours.  Includes buyout.
No travel or any other compensation will be provided.


We have a new project just in!  Here is what we need/know:

Client is seeking a:

  • wheelchair-bound talent
  • any ethnicity
  • male or female,
  • 30’s-ish for April 19 OR 20.  

(I’m waiting on confirmation of the dates).  

Rate and usage are TBD; however, they wanted to move forward ASAP with getting talent who might be interested and available.  

This is for a tourist spot.  





  • Talent for upcoming shoot for BUD LIGHT in Richmond VA.  This is anticipated to shoot on 4/10.  You MUST be willing to bring your own wardrobe.  These are LOCAL hires only so please do not respond if you cannot work as a local.  Also, the starting age of 26 is firm.  Here are the details and what you should do if interested!

Casting Specs:

  • Talent Age 26-35 (firm on age 26 as starting point).
  • Need multiple talent.
  • Males & Females – open ethnicity.
  • All diverse body types requested.
  • Compensation and Usage Details:

Rate / Session: $800 / 10 hours on set RVA 

Additional $200 if recognizable (not blurred in focus and in foreground)

Usage: Buy Out in Perpetuity.

Shoot date: 4/10/23

Location: Richmond, VA – will not pay extra for travel time or mileage.

Wardrobe expectations:

Will ask talent to provide all wardrobe options included in offered fee. Looking for basics that would be worn in 60ish degree weather to a tailgate party:

  • A mix of shorts/tshirts and some sweatshirts and long sleeves
  • A few jacket options – windbreakers, starter jackets.
  • Footwear – sneakers and open to other casual options. No sandals.
  • Accessories – Hats (baseball caps), jewelry (bracelets), sunglasses
  • All generic, no brands

Casting for Jewelry Client – Richmond VA – NU – April 11



  • Females
  • all ethnicities
  • between 30 and 65

For the upcoming nonunion shoot in Richmond, VA on April 11.  


Here is what we know/need:

Talent will be modeling jewelry products for client.

Self tapes due 3/31 by 12 noon.  

Call backs (via Zoom) – 4/3

Fitting date:  TBD (anticipated 4/10)

Shoot date:  4/11

RATES:  $100 for fitting; $500 session; $1000 buy (less any applicable fees).  Travel negotiable.

USAGE:  The buy is for six months North America – TV and web there is no print component as of now. – but all internet and web and all Broadcast TV

Self tapes should be sent to 


Casting for Rev Your Bev project – Richmond VA – NU – 3/30 and 3/31 TBD

Seeking talent for an upcoming Rev Your Bev project filming in Richmond, VA, on 3/30 and 3/31 (Talent may be needed one or both days TBD).  


Please see the details below and submit according to the instructions:

Shoot Dates: March 30th and 31st

Fitting Date: TBD either 28th or 29th (likely 28th)


  • Children Ages 7 – 10
  • Boys and Girls

Must be comfortable singing (having fun with singing)

RATES/USAGE  (Note project is less any fees):

Session fee: $400 per day/per talent

Usage Buyout: $800 (1 year – Buyout covers web, social, and broadcast – within state of VA only.)

Fitting Fee: $75


We are seeking an Elderly African American woman to portray an Alzheimer patient.

We prefer someone in their mid 70’s to 80’s.

  • Local hire to VA Beach
  • Non-union
  • Non-Speaking
  • Reenactment

1/2 day

Rate $150.00

Shoot date TBA


GREETINGS EVERYONE!  The new project is just in!

The client seeks background/extras for a shoot on Friday, 3/17, in Chesapeake.  

This is a non-union shoot.  Talent will be needed for half a day on set.  

The rate will be $250 per talent, less our agency fees (20%).  Multiple skills are required for this project!

Here is what we know:

1)  Caucasian family of 4 with mom, dad, and two children/teens.  The client prefers real family but will put families together with interested talent.

1) African American family of 4 with mom, dad, and two children/teens.  The client prefers real family but will put families together with interested talent.




Wardrobe: Mar 29, 2023
Shoot: 1 day, either March 30 or 31, 2023
Rate of Pay: $1,200 TV/digital and  $800 social media
Fitting – $200
Travel Stipend– $200 if needed
Location: Richmond, VA

Looking for FEMALE “MERMAID”
– 25 to 35 years old;
– all ethnicities; women.
– Average to athletic build, but you don’t have to be in shape. 

Talent must be comfortable showing their stomach, arms, and shoulders. Looking for people with STRONG improv and 
comedic acting skills. Our “mermaid” is confident, friendly, and knowledgeable. She is quirky & charming, but when it comes to donor myths; she doesn’t tolerate nonsense.

Comedic types like Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy, and Maya Rudolph.


We are casting for a 2-day film shoot, filming around Richmond, VA.  

We need 1770’s CIVILIAN impressions

– Men and Women (no children) for one or both days.  

Dates are being worked out right now.

Possibly filming in April 2023 now. (Just changed) .  

Local Reenactors are preferable!  

Pay is $150/day CASH!   One day will be the exterior, and the other will be an interior tavern scene.

MUST HAVE YOUR CLOTHING.  We will NOT have a wardrobe to outfit anyone.  Several looks are preferred but are not deal breakers—no Military impressions. 

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