Los Angeles Dance Casting Calls & Acting Auditions
Find the latest Los Angeles Dance Casting Calls on Project Casting.
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Job Types

Work Date(s): On or about Friday, April 9th 2021
Age Range: 30-65
Gender: All
Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
Rate: $154 for 12 hours
Location: Savannah, Ga
Call Time: TBD
Fitting: Fitting in Savannah; Fitting Rate: $44.50 for 4 hours (haircut may be required)

COVID TEST: One before fitting, dependent upon fitting date and must be Available for PCR COVID Test before filming Wed 4/7


Neighbor Stand In
Work Date(s): Friday, March 26th, 2021
Age Range: 40s-50s
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
Height: 5’4-5’6″
Weight: 120-140lbs
Dress: 6-8
Hair: Light Brown/Dirty Blonde
Rate: $165/12
Location: Savannah, GA
Call Time: TBD
Fitting: Fitting in Savannah; Fitting Rate: $44.50 for 4 hours (haircut may be required)

COVID TEST: Must be Available for PCR COVID Test on Friday Wednesday, March 24th. You will be compensated for your time.
Casting a PRINT job for a Digital Platform for Seniors. Looking for non-union Male and Female, African American or other diversity, 65yo and older.
Shoots in Savannah, GA and you’d need to work as a local (no travel). Shoot is one day (Date TBD) in the next few weeks. Rate is $120/day (expect 2-3 hours)(non-union).
NOW CASTING – Does Someone You Know Owe You Money?
Do you have a dispute you want to settle? Does someone owe you money? Do you have an unresolved matter that you want settled once and for all? If so, let us help you settle your issue!
Our well respected, and Emmy Award winning, TV Production Company is now looking for people in the Tri-State area who want to settle disputes via arbitration. We are looking for REAL PEOPLE with REAL DISPUTES, not actors to portray role.
This will be for a new courtroom TV show. The best part is, our production company pays the awarded judgment up to $2,000. You will also be paid a daily filming rate in addition. So if the judge decides that the person you know does owe you money, we will pay it!
* Please include a description of your dispute in your reply.
Are you recently engaged? Have been planning your dream wedding for a while? Are you planning a vow renewal? Filming in New York City in the spring, if you’re on the hunt for the dress of your dreams, we want to hear from you!
This is a teenage male role (ages 14-17) for a YouTube series. The skills listed are NOT REQUIRED but will be of much help. The payment will be discussed when the production has progressed (it may take a while due to the current events).
Block Party BG
Details Male or Female / Featured / All Ethnicities / 5 – 65 Description Diverse, Eccentric Looking, all walks of life, all shapes and sizes, all sexual orientations, all ethnicity, all ages. Block party vibes
Project shoots in Los Angeles, CA.
Wardrobe Block Party
Rate $150/7hrs
The short film Esther & Sai is looking for background actors to play:
- nursing students (female, Caucasian, 18-30)
- university students and staff (open gender, open ethnicity, 18-40)
- grocery shoppers (open gender, Caucasian, all ages)
The film is a period piece set in the 1970s. This is a volunteer position, however, credit and snacks will be provided.
Esther & Sai is based on the true story of Sai Choo (a Chinese immigrant) and Esther Aneke (a Nigerian immigrant) who met in Vancouver at nursing school in 1976. They were among very few students of colour in the class and formed a lifelong friendship. For more information on the project, visit @estherandsai on Instagram.
Please email estherandsai.filmbg@gmail.com should you be interested in taking part.
We are shooting a :30 TV spot for a local construction contractor produced by a local advertising agency.
Paid opportunity is for a 36-46 YO, female/model/spokesperson talent. Non-union. Half day shoot on location. You will be responsible for your own wardrobe. Pay is $500 for a half day.
Casting & table read will take place in March with COVID-safe filming in early April in Carlsbad, CA. If interested, please send your headshot/resume/reel to info@L7creative.com
Actores y actrizes angloparlantes (nivel nativo) para serie de comedia familiar.
No remunerado.
Brice:hombre entre 35-50 años (Regular)
Alice: Niña entre 16-19 años (Regular)
Ethan: Niño entre 14-17 años (Regular)
Mia: Niña entre 9-12 años (Regular)
Liam: Niño entre 8-11 años (Regular)
Se contactará exclusivamente con padres o tutores legales.
El rodaje tendra lugar en Catalunya. La fecha aún no se sabe debido al COVID-19.
Interesades enviar e-mail con foto, currÃculum y videopresentación en inglés
Se contactarán para hacer un cásting online (Zoom)
No es necessario tener experiéncia.
Advertencia: Esto es mi primer proyecto ya que tengo 14 años. Mi padre me esta ayudando ya que él ha grabado cortometrajes anteriormente. Aún asi os digo que me encanta mucho esto mundo y me gustarÃa poderme dedicar a eso todo mi vida y cuando antes empieze mejor.
Si quereis podemos hacer una videollamada por Zoom para conocerme mejor a mi i el proyecto.
Se hablar español, catalán y ingles asà que si me contactais pueden hablar me en el idioma que más os guste.
Mi correo es marmanresa15@gmail.com