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HomeToronto Casting Calls and Auditions

Toronto Casting Calls & Acting Auditions

Find the latest Toronto Casting Calls on Project Casting.

Production Types

Job Types


  • Canada
  • Toronto

We’re looking for:

  • Real people from all walks of life
  • Ages 25+ (you don’t need to be a model or have any experience acting) just a willingness to play along.

If selected for this campaign, pay is approx: $8,000.00+ per person. You will appear in multiple spots. This is a non-union project.

Deadline to submit: ASAP or before April 3, 2023 at 10AM. EDT.
The earlier you apply the better since we are in a time crunch!

Please be available for these Important dates in Toronto:
– In Person Call-backs – April 5, 2023.
– Wardrobe: – Either April 13 or 14, 2023. Note may need talent for another fitting day outside of these to dates.
– Shooting – April 20 and 21, 2023. May need an additional day either April 17, 18 or 23, 2023. ( Multiple Shoot Dates )


Job Type:



Series: This is an unscripted series based in the world of real estate and home buying. It is not for pilot; this is a greenlit series for a U.S. network.

Outside Dates: Approximately 2-4 days/week for six months, total of around 100 shoot days (some overnight shoots)

Rate: Rate to be negotiated but will be competitive in this space.

Outside Dates: Around the end of the Summer through Fall and early Winter.

Filming location: Greater Toronto Area and Ontario

*This role is eligible for remote, hybrid or in office work

At Interior Savings, our goal is to provide innovative tools and products our members need on any device at any time. We’re creating digital experiences that are accessible, informative, intuitive, and work seamlessly with every channel of interaction, with the modern day features you’ve come to expect.

To make this happen, ISCU is looking for highly innovative visionaries who will stop at nothing to develop experiences which delight our members of today and engage our members of tomorrow. This is your opportunity to make your mark in building incredible mobile solutions and be at the forefront of the transformation of the Credit Union industry in Canada.

The responsibilities of this role include:

  • Managing all aspects of ISCU’s mobile product(s) development, including researching new technologies and trends, creating specifications, designing prototypes, and testing products
  • Collaborating with the development teams, both internally and externally, to ensure that the product can be built efficiently and effectively
  • Working with marketing and other stakeholders to gather feedback from our members about our existing products and services to improve them
  • Thorough and frequent analysis of data to determine which features are most popular among users or which ones need improvement
  • Creating detailed project plans including timelines, budgets, and milestones for each stage of development
  • Overseeing the development of new applications or updates to existing applications based on market trends or consumer demand
  • Evaluating competitor products to determine how well they are meeting customer needs and how they might be improved
  • Developing new features and functionalities based on customer feedback and market trends to improve existing products or develop new ones

*work outside of regular branch hours, including evenings and weekends



  • Bachelor’s degree or better.
  • Computer Information Systems Diploma or better.


  • Preferably proven experience or demonstrated capability in leading IT transformational initiatives in complex and dynamic environments
  • Prior product experience, business analyst, management consulting, systems or engineering background specifically in mobile products/services
  • Experience in large, cross-functional teams influencing senior-level management and key stakeholders effectively across the organization and within complex contexts
  • 3-5 years of experience as a Product Manager

Interior Savings


Chez TAXI, on crée des marques connectées. On vit dans une ère de progrès inégalé, et la technologie continue de révolutionner nos façons d’interagir en plus d’ouvrir la porte à des occasions inédites et percutantes de nous connecter au monde qui nous entoure. Placer les gens au cÅ“ur de tout ce que nous faisons nous permet d’optimiser nos pratiques fondamentales – stratégie, créativité et expériences – afin de créer des connexions humaines significatives pour les marques et d’offrir une réelle valeur commerciale à nos clients.

On résiste à la manière habituelle de voir, de faire et de concevoir les projets, que ce soit pour la création de travail percutant pour nos clients ou pour le recrutement de nouveaux membres de l’équipe. Chez TAXI, l’authenticité prend le dessus sur tout. On tient à ce que tous ceux et celles qui entrent dans nos bureaux se sentent à l’aise, confortables et accepté·e·s.

Directeur·trice artistique (niveau débutant/intermédiaire)

Le design vous passionne ? Y pensez-vous 24/7, peu importe où vous vous trouvez ? Le métier vous enthousiasme au plus haut point et c’est exactement ce que nous cherchons. Vous connaissez toutes les applications, êtes spécialiste du graphisme et savez collaborer au sein d’une équipe qui valorise le travail de qualité autant que vous.

Vous allez:

  • Participerez à des projets pour un grand client du domaine des télécommunications
  • Contribuerez activement à la création et à la mise en Å“uvre d’idées
  • Relèverez des défis au quotidien avec dynamisme en réalisant des recherches et en proposant de nouvelles approches (peaufinage de techniques, intégration de nouvelles technologies)
  • Vous épanouirez dans un milieu de travail diversifié et pluridisciplinaire
  • Collaborerez avec des partenaires de l’agence et les équipes créatives
  • Participerez aux briefs, aux rencontres du groupe de produits et aux présentations aux clients
  • Présenterez des maquettes de concepts aux directeurs de création, au groupe de comptes et au client pour en discuter et pour les faire approuver
  • Comprendrez et respecterez l’intégrité et l’image de la marque du client
  • Et plus encore

Vous avez :

  • Un portfolio créatif impressionnant
  • D’excellentes aptitudes en matière de résolution de problèmes
  • La capacité de présenter des idées convaincantes
  • La flexibilité et la minutie nécessaires pour vous adapter à la rétroaction et aux changements d’exigences
  • Des compétences avec le logiciel Adobe Creative Suite, particulièrement Photoshop
  • Sens aiguisé du design et de la narration visuelle
  • Un minimum de deux ans d’expérience à titre de designer ou de directeur·trice artistique en agence
  • Une excellente maîtrise de l’anglais et du français

TAXI célèbre la diversité et encourage les candidatures de toutes les personnes indépendamment de l’identité ou de l’expression de genre, de l’orientation sexuelle, de la couleur, du sexe, de la race, de l’âge, des handicaps, de la religion, de la nationalité, de l’ethnicité, de la citoyenneté, de la situation familiale ou de l’état civil.

Des accommodements sont offerts au besoin pour toutes les personnes qui postulent, et ce, tout au long du processus d’embauche.


At TAXI, we create connected brands. We are living in an age of unprecedented human progress. Technology continually revolutionizes the way we interact, and opens up powerful possibilities for connecting with the world. Putting people at the centre of everything we do allows us to harness our core practices – strategy, creativity, and experiences – to build those meaningful human connections for brands and deliver real business value for our clients.

We resist the usual ways of seeing, doing and thinking whether it is creating great work for clients or hiring new team members. At TAXI, we value authenticity above all else. We want everyone who walks into our office to feel welcome, comfortable and included.

Art Director/Designer (Junior/Intermediate)

Are you a design buff? Do you think about it anytime and anywhere? You are a real enthusiast and it is you who you are looking for. You know all the applications, are specialized in graphic arts work well within a team that values impeccable work as much as you do.

You Will:

  • Work on projects for a major client in the telco industry
  • Proactively participate in the development and implementation of ideas
  • Take up daily challenges with enthusiasm while researching and proposing new approaches (refining techniques and new technological opportunities)
  • Thrive in a diverse and multidisciplinary environment
  • Ability to collaborate with agency partners and creative teams
  • Participate in briefs, product group meetings, and presentations to client
  • Present layouts of concepts to the creative director, account group and client for discussion/approval
  • Understand and maintain the integrity of the client’s brand
  • Do a whole lot more

You Bring:

  • Creatively impressive portfolio
  • Excellent problem-solving skills
  • Ability to present compelling ideas
  • Ability to be flexible and precise with changing requirements and feedback
  • Skills with Adobe Creative Suite software, especially Photoshop
  • Strong eye for design and visual storytelling
  • At least 2+ years of experience as a designer/art director in an agency
  • Bilingualism (English & French)

TAXI values diversity and encourages all applicants regardless of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, colour, sex, race, age, disability, religion, national or ethnic origin, citizenship or family/marital status.

Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.


Selling an extraordinary experience in the heart of the Yorkville neighbourhood is the goal of a Sales Manager at The Hazelton Hotel. Your anticipation of every aspect of your guests’ stays are what set you apart, and personalized service is at the core of what you aim to deliver on a daily basis. This position is responsible for booking group and transient business. Prospecting and outbound sales, are necessary for success in this position


• Respond to sales leads regarding guest rooms and function space availability in a timely manner.

• Develop new business to achieve revenue goals through prospecting, outside sales calls and site inspections.

• Conduct site tours for clients.

• Develop and maintain weekly and quarterly calendars outlining tasks and goals set with the Assistant Director of Sales.

• Prepare and deliver sales presentations and proposals to prospective clients.

• Initiate billing procedures and ensuring initial payment is received.

• Maintain high quality of service standards required by the hotel.

• Adhere to company sales policies and SOP’s.

• Greet and/or entertain clients.

• Plan sales trips and travel to key market areas.

• Attend travel functions to promote sales for the hotel.

• Attend all sales and public relations functions within the hotel.

• Work independently, with a positive attitude, within a small team.

• Complete all other duties, as assigned.

Job Requirements:

• Hotel Management degree/diploma with 2 years of hotel sales and/or equivalent industry experience.

• Exceptional communication skills with senior level business professionals.

• Excellent interpersonal & organization skills.

• Word and Excel, computer literacy required (Micros Opera and Sales and Catering Software experience a strong asset).

• Ability to maintain a flexible schedule to meet the business needs of a 24/7 hotel environment, including weekends, evenings, and holidays.

• Ability to travel within and outside of Canada.

• Legally entitled to work in Canada.

Our people are what makes us different. At The Hazelton Hotel, we are committed to workplace diversity and inclusion within our organization, therefore, we encourage all qualified persons from all backgrounds to apply. Accommodations are available, upon request, to all applicants with disabilities throughout our hiring process.

The Hazelton Hotel


Nombre de postes : 1

Statut : Temps complet permanent.

Salaire : 25,22$ Р37,49$ par heure selon exp̩rience.

Relevant du chef de service des archives médicales, l’assistant-chef des archives est principalement responsable du volet opérationnel et administratif des différents secteurs du service et collabore activement aux autres activités et projets du service des archives médicales. Il/Elle remplace la chef du service durant ses absences.

Profil recherché:

• DEC en archives médicales ou un diplôme d’archiviste médical d’une école reconnue par le ministère compétent ou un diplôme reconnu par l’Association des gestionnaires de l’information de la santé du Québec ou par le Collège des archivistes médicaux du Canada (Association des archivistes médicales du Canada) ;

• Membre en règle de l’AGISQ est un atout.

• Minimum deux (2) ans d’expérience comme archiviste médicale dans le réseau public de la santé et des services sociaux; ou un (1) an avec une combinaison acceptable d’études et/ou de formation additionnelle et/ou d’expérience de coordination ou en tant que chef d’équipe.

• Bilinguisme et facilité de communication écrite et parlée ;

• Bonne aptitude pour le travail d’équipe et la coordination ;

• Initiative, autonomie et sens des responsabilités ;

• Habiletés techniques pour les systèmes informatiques et la production statistique ;

• Sens de l’éthique, de discrétion et des valeurs.

• Connaissance approfondie des différentes lois applicables, de la codification CIM-10 / CCI et Med-Echo, suite MS Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) niveau intermédiaire, d’un système de dossier électronique et des processus de numérisation, et de l’entrepôt de données Med-Écho et la gestion des données statistiques.

Avantages sociaux

Étant un établissement privé conventionné du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux, nous offrons les mêmes conditions que le secteur public, dont un régime de retraite (RREGOP), 13 jours fériés par année, 9,6 jours de maladie par année, une assurance collective, 4 semaines de vacances après un an, et un programme d’assistance aux employés. De plus, vous profiterez d’un stationnement gratuit (sur certaines conditions) ou d’une réduction pour l’utilisation des transports en commun (carte Opus), du soutien à la conciliation travail-famille, d’une cafétéria à prix abordable et d’un club social.

Travailler à l’Hôpital Shriners pour enfants – Canada, c’est travailler dans un environnement axé sur la famille, offrant des opportunités d’apprentissage, de développement professionnel et la possibilité de faire une différence.

Vous souhaitez travailler avec nous ? Envoyez-nous votre CV et votre lettre d’intention à

L’usage du masculin dans ce document a pour unique but d’alléger le texte. L’Hôpital Shriners pour enfants – Canada souscrit au principe d’accès à l’égalité en emploi et invite les femmes, les membres des minorités visibles et des minorités visibles, les minorités ethniques, les personnes handicapées et les Autochtones à poser leur candidature.



Number of positions: 1

Status: Full time permanent

Salary: $25.22 – $37.49 per hour depending on experience.

Reporting to the Head of the Medical Records Department, the Assistant Head of the Medical Records Department is primarily responsible for the operational and administrative aspects of the various sectors of the department and actively collaborates on other activities and projects of the Medical Records Department. He/she replaces the head of the department during her absences.


• DEC in medical records or a diploma in medical archives from a school recognized by the appropriate ministry or a diploma recognized by the Association des gestionnaires de l’information de la santé du Québec or by the College of Medical Archivists of Canada (Association of Medical Archivists of Canada);

• Membership in good standing with AGISQ is an asset.

• Minimum of two (2) years’ experience as a medical archivist in the public health and social services network; or one (1) year with an acceptable combination of additional education and/or training and/or experience as a coordinator or team leader.

• Bilingualism and written and spoken communication skills

• Good teamwork and coordination skills;

• Initiative, autonomy and sense of responsibility;

• Technical skills in computer systems and statistical production;

• Sense of ethics, discretion and values.

• Knowledge in-depth knowledge of various applicable laws, ICD-10 / CCI and Med-Echo coding, • MS Office Suite (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) intermediate level, electronic record system and scanning processes; Med-Echo data warehouse and statistical data management.

We offer you :

As a private institution under agreement with the health and social services network, we offer the same conditions as the public sector, including a pension plan (RREGOP), 13 statutory holidays per year, 9.6 sick days per year, group insurance, 4 weeks of vacation after one year, and an employee assistance program. In addition, you will benefit from free parking (under certain conditions) or a discount for the use of public transportation (Opus card), work-life balance support, an affordable cafeteria and a social club.

Working at Shriners Hospital for Children – Canada means working in a family-oriented environment with opportunities for learning, professional development and the chance to make a difference.

Interested in working with us? Send us your resume and letter of intent to

The use of the masculine gender in this document is intended solely to lighten the text. The Shriners Hospital for Children – Canada is an equal opportunity employer and invites applications from women, visible minorities, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities and Aboriginal peoples.

H̫pitaux Shriners pour enfants РCanada

Note: Please include a link to your portfolio in your resume.

Art Director + Copywriter Team needed for conceptual development of unignorable and unorthodox ideas and the flawless execution of creative deliverables. Balancing creative thinking with interpersonal skills, this team will demonstrate an ability to justify concepts to both the client and the project team. They ensure their projects are smart, kickass and beautifully crafted.

What you will do…

  • Regularly attend and participate fully in briefs, product group meetings and client presentations; attend client briefs and research as needed
  • Present creative work and creative rationales to product group and then to client for discussion and approval; compellingly and with an authoritative manner, building a positive working relationship with client contacts
  • Create persuasive art and copy that engages the target audience and follows the brand’s tone of voice.
  • Execute creative using new and modern perspectives along with reliable production methods while keeping the client’s existing graphic look, brand image, and goals in mind.
  • Partner with Production to ensure the development of formats that achieve the strategic objectives outlined in the brief and maximize the use of the production budget
  • Manage multiple projects in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Maintain quality and budget control throughout all aspects of the art, file prep and/or broadcast production process in conjunction with Production and Studio
  • Championing the client’s cause while balancing it with McCann’s objectives
  • Contribute to building a positive agency culture, building positive working relationships with other departments and clients

Who you will be…

  • Must be a team player.
  • 3+ years of experience as Art Director or Copywriter
  • Knowledge and experience in performing on a variety of consumer, industrial, corporate and institutional communication assignments, across multiple mediums.
  • Strong attention to detail and accuracy
  • Proactive self-starter
  • Proven experience developing progressive digital, direct and social projects
  • Demonstrated ability to develop concepts relevant to the client’s objectives, and distinct in their presentation.

The Company

McCann Worldgroup Canada is committed to a diverse workforce as an Employment Equity employer (Women, People with Disabilities, Aboriginal Peoples, and Visible Minorities) and aims to maintain an inclusive and equitable workplace where employees feel valued, respected, and supported. If you require an accommodation, we would be happy to work with you to meet your needs.

McCann Canada



YPO is a member organization for over 30,000 CEO’s and leaders all over the world. Our purpose is to create a better world by creating better leaders. YPO provides a variety of platforms, programs and opportunities for life-long learning and personal development.

YPO has more than 40 business, personal, family, and social impact networks, within the larger global network, dedicated to robust education and idea exchange, providing members with instant confidential connections to other YPO members around the world.

Our Network Engagement Managers (internal title) focus on the creation and execution of comprehensive engagement strategy aligned to the strategic roadmap of the network.

Qualified candidates will have at least 5 years of experience in a communications, marketing, content creation or account management position and will have experience designing and executing engagement strategies for virtual audiences. A portfolio exhibiting the candidate’s experience in creating visual and written content is required. Verbal and written fluency in English is required.

YPO is a remote-first organization. This role is work-from-home but will require 2-4 trips per year (domestic and international).


The Networks Engagement Manager (NEM) engages YPO members and spouse/partners along their Network journey, working across networks and their communities of interest (Business, Personal, Family and Impact) to ensure optimal engagement. An NEM manages multiple networks and focuses on the creation and execution of a comprehensive engagement strategy, aligned to the overall mission, vision and strategic roadmap of the specified network. The Networks Engagement Manager is a unique blend of being a community advocate, relationship manager, member engager, platform manager, creative collaborator, data driven influencer, effective communicator, and project manager.


  • Act as a key ambassador to networks, engaging and activating members and champions, encouraging conversations and connections throughout the YPO community, as well as planning and executing marketing strategies to educate audiences on the various products, opportunities and offerings in YPO (from Forum, Learning, Events, and Strategic Partnerships).
  • Plan and design material with the purpose of bringing the community closer within and across Networks, inspiring virtual participation that creates a vibrant space with valuable offerings.
  • Drive the shaping of the community experience for Network participants, in alignment with the needs of the Network strategy and engagement strategy, by creating the environment, leading the strategy based on data, influencing involvement among members, and by educating the various Network offerings.
  • Support the member experience by curating tailored content, conducting targeted campaigns, marketing events, and collecting and responding to feedback. Measure the performance of these efforts by analyzing data, presenting findings, and adapting strategies to meet ongoing priorities.
  • Manage the day-to-day activities of web and mobile Network platforms and related social media pages, from content planning and development to approvals and communication.
  • Lead the creation of content (written, visual, audio, video), in partnership with members, Network Directors, Global Network Specialists, Event Managers and Member Experience Insights and Marketing (MXIM) partners.
  • Collaborate within Networks and with internal stakeholders to support and drive projects, programs, and goals and deliver events and activities.
  • Drive a data driven strategy through retrieving reports and presenting through storytelling, drawing observations, providing insights, and establishing KPIs based on member response.


  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including strong diplomacy skills with the ability to build meaningful relationships with all levels of associates, members and vendors. Adaptable, insightful, empathetic and reliable.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including proofreading, with meticulous attention to detail. Adjusts communication style appropriately to the audience.
  • Ability to collaborate and communicate effectively in a multi-cultural, virtual environment, being sensitive to local and regional customs and practices.
  • Ability to effectively manage trade-off decisions, prioritize competing opportunities, balance member and internal stakeholder needs with business priorities, manage cross functional expectations, and clearly articulate the rationale behind decisions.
  • Resourceful and able to work independently with initiative and good judgement. Effective time management, organization and prioritization skills with the ability to focus on varied projects.
  • Ability to maintain discretion and integrity of confidential information.
  • Ability to identify problems, research alternatives, provide solutions and/or resolve issues in a timely manner. Anticipates member needs and delivers with clarity.
  • Analytical thinker with ability influence and guide processes with appropriate approach and execution. Natural curiosity and desire to learn more; proficiency and interest in applying new technologies and tools.
  • Professional presence, appearance, and stature to interact easily with YPO members, C-level executives and high-profile corporate leaders.


  • 5+ years of experience in a communication, marketing, or account management position.
  • 3+ years of experience in an association or membership organization, specifically with membership, governance, marketing, events, or social media management.
  • Experience creating visual and written content for multiple platforms, intended for diverse audiences to drive engagement.
  • Experience in designing, developing, and monitoring communication and engagement strategies for virtual audiences across multiple channels.
  • Experience in digital marketing, including an understanding of the importance of consumer research, advertising principals, social media management, and data best practices.
  • Experience with Smartsheet and Microsoft suite required.
  • Experience with Salesforce (CRM tools), Canva, Publicate (email marketing tools), or Tableau (data visualization tools) highly preferred.


  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, business, public administration, or equivalent experience required.


  • Ability to work flexible and/or extended hours to accommodate members and associates in multiple time zones.
  • Ability to travel globally 10-15% per year to events, strategy meetings, and team retreats.




YPO is a member organization for over 30,000 CEO’s and leaders all over the world. Our purpose is to create a better world by creating better leaders. YPO provides a variety of platforms, programs and opportunities for life-long learning and personal development.

YPO has more than 40 business, personal, family, and social impact networks, within the larger global network, dedicated to robust education and idea exchange, providing members with instant confidential connections to other YPO members around the world.

Our Network Engagement Managers (internal title) focus on the creation and execution of comprehensive engagement strategy aligned to the strategic roadmap of the network.

Qualified candidates will have at least 5 years of experience in a communications, marketing, content creation or account management position and will have experience designing and executing engagement strategies for virtual audiences. A portfolio exhibiting the candidate’s experience in creating visual and written content is required. Verbal and written fluency in English is required.

YPO is a remote-first organization. This role is work-from-home but will require 2-4 trips per year (domestic and international).


The Networks Engagement Manager (NEM) engages YPO members and spouse/partners along their Network journey, working across networks and their communities of interest (Business, Personal, Family and Impact) to ensure optimal engagement. An NEM manages multiple networks and focuses on the creation and execution of a comprehensive engagement strategy, aligned to the overall mission, vision and strategic roadmap of the specified network. The Networks Engagement Manager is a unique blend of being a community advocate, relationship manager, member engager, platform manager, creative collaborator, data driven influencer, effective communicator, and project manager.


  • Act as a key ambassador to networks, engaging and activating members and champions, encouraging conversations and connections throughout the YPO community, as well as planning and executing marketing strategies to educate audiences on the various products, opportunities and offerings in YPO (from Forum, Learning, Events, and Strategic Partnerships).
  • Plan and design material with the purpose of bringing the community closer within and across Networks, inspiring virtual participation that creates a vibrant space with valuable offerings.
  • Drive the shaping of the community experience for Network participants, in alignment with the needs of the Network strategy and engagement strategy, by creating the environment, leading the strategy based on data, influencing involvement among members, and by educating the various Network offerings.
  • Support the member experience by curating tailored content, conducting targeted campaigns, marketing events, and collecting and responding to feedback. Measure the performance of these efforts by analyzing data, presenting findings, and adapting strategies to meet ongoing priorities.
  • Manage the day-to-day activities of web and mobile Network platforms and related social media pages, from content planning and development to approvals and communication.
  • Lead the creation of content (written, visual, audio, video), in partnership with members, Network Directors, Global Network Specialists, Event Managers and Member Experience Insights and Marketing (MXIM) partners.
  • Collaborate within Networks and with internal stakeholders to support and drive projects, programs, and goals and deliver events and activities.
  • Drive a data driven strategy through retrieving reports and presenting through storytelling, drawing observations, providing insights, and establishing KPIs based on member response.


  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including strong diplomacy skills with the ability to build meaningful relationships with all levels of associates, members and vendors. Adaptable, insightful, empathetic and reliable.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including proofreading, with meticulous attention to detail. Adjusts communication style appropriately to the audience.
  • Ability to collaborate and communicate effectively in a multi-cultural, virtual environment, being sensitive to local and regional customs and practices.
  • Ability to effectively manage trade-off decisions, prioritize competing opportunities, balance member and internal stakeholder needs with business priorities, manage cross functional expectations, and clearly articulate the rationale behind decisions.
  • Resourceful and able to work independently with initiative and good judgement. Effective time management, organization and prioritization skills with the ability to focus on varied projects.
  • Ability to maintain discretion and integrity of confidential information.
  • Ability to identify problems, research alternatives, provide solutions and/or resolve issues in a timely manner. Anticipates member needs and delivers with clarity.
  • Analytical thinker with ability influence and guide processes with appropriate approach and execution. Natural curiosity and desire to learn more; proficiency and interest in applying new technologies and tools.
  • Professional presence, appearance, and stature to interact easily with YPO members, C-level executives and high-profile corporate leaders.


  • 5+ years of experience in a communication, marketing, or account management position.
  • 3+ years of experience in an association or membership organization, specifically with membership, governance, marketing, events, or social media management.
  • Experience creating visual and written content for multiple platforms, intended for diverse audiences to drive engagement.
  • Experience in designing, developing, and monitoring communication and engagement strategies for virtual audiences across multiple channels.
  • Experience in digital marketing, including an understanding of the importance of consumer research, advertising principals, social media management, and data best practices.
  • Experience with Smartsheet and Microsoft suite required.
  • Experience with Salesforce (CRM tools), Canva, Publicate (email marketing tools), or Tableau (data visualization tools) highly preferred.


  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, business, public administration, or equivalent experience required.


  • Ability to work flexible and/or extended hours to accommodate members and associates in multiple time zones.
  • Ability to travel globally 10-15% per year to events, strategy meetings, and team retreats.




YPO is a member organization for over 30,000 CEO’s and leaders all over the world. Our purpose is to create a better world by creating better leaders. YPO provides a variety of platforms, programs and opportunities for life-long learning and personal development.

YPO has more than 40 business, personal, family, and social impact networks, within the larger global network, dedicated to robust education and idea exchange, providing members with instant confidential connections to other YPO members around the world.

Our Network Engagement Managers (internal title) focus on the creation and execution of comprehensive engagement strategy aligned to the strategic roadmap of the network.

Qualified candidates will have at least 5 years of experience in a communications, marketing, content creation or account management position and will have experience designing and executing engagement strategies for virtual audiences. A portfolio exhibiting the candidate’s experience in creating visual and written content is required. Verbal and written fluency in English is required.

YPO is a remote-first organization. This role is work-from-home but will require 2-4 trips per year (domestic and international).


The Networks Engagement Manager (NEM) engages YPO members and spouse/partners along their Network journey, working across networks and their communities of interest (Business, Personal, Family and Impact) to ensure optimal engagement. An NEM manages multiple networks and focuses on the creation and execution of a comprehensive engagement strategy, aligned to the overall mission, vision and strategic roadmap of the specified network. The Networks Engagement Manager is a unique blend of being a community advocate, relationship manager, member engager, platform manager, creative collaborator, data driven influencer, effective communicator, and project manager.


  • Act as a key ambassador to networks, engaging and activating members and champions, encouraging conversations and connections throughout the YPO community, as well as planning and executing marketing strategies to educate audiences on the various products, opportunities and offerings in YPO (from Forum, Learning, Events, and Strategic Partnerships).
  • Plan and design material with the purpose of bringing the community closer within and across Networks, inspiring virtual participation that creates a vibrant space with valuable offerings.
  • Drive the shaping of the community experience for Network participants, in alignment with the needs of the Network strategy and engagement strategy, by creating the environment, leading the strategy based on data, influencing involvement among members, and by educating the various Network offerings.
  • Support the member experience by curating tailored content, conducting targeted campaigns, marketing events, and collecting and responding to feedback. Measure the performance of these efforts by analyzing data, presenting findings, and adapting strategies to meet ongoing priorities.
  • Manage the day-to-day activities of web and mobile Network platforms and related social media pages, from content planning and development to approvals and communication.
  • Lead the creation of content (written, visual, audio, video), in partnership with members, Network Directors, Global Network Specialists, Event Managers and Member Experience Insights and Marketing (MXIM) partners.
  • Collaborate within Networks and with internal stakeholders to support and drive projects, programs, and goals and deliver events and activities.
  • Drive a data driven strategy through retrieving reports and presenting through storytelling, drawing observations, providing insights, and establishing KPIs based on member response.


  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including strong diplomacy skills with the ability to build meaningful relationships with all levels of associates, members and vendors. Adaptable, insightful, empathetic and reliable.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including proofreading, with meticulous attention to detail. Adjusts communication style appropriately to the audience.
  • Ability to collaborate and communicate effectively in a multi-cultural, virtual environment, being sensitive to local and regional customs and practices.
  • Ability to effectively manage trade-off decisions, prioritize competing opportunities, balance member and internal stakeholder needs with business priorities, manage cross functional expectations, and clearly articulate the rationale behind decisions.
  • Resourceful and able to work independently with initiative and good judgement. Effective time management, organization and prioritization skills with the ability to focus on varied projects.
  • Ability to maintain discretion and integrity of confidential information.
  • Ability to identify problems, research alternatives, provide solutions and/or resolve issues in a timely manner. Anticipates member needs and delivers with clarity.
  • Analytical thinker with ability influence and guide processes with appropriate approach and execution. Natural curiosity and desire to learn more; proficiency and interest in applying new technologies and tools.
  • Professional presence, appearance, and stature to interact easily with YPO members, C-level executives and high-profile corporate leaders.


  • 5+ years of experience in a communication, marketing, or account management position.
  • 3+ years of experience in an association or membership organization, specifically with membership, governance, marketing, events, or social media management.
  • Experience creating visual and written content for multiple platforms, intended for diverse audiences to drive engagement.
  • Experience in designing, developing, and monitoring communication and engagement strategies for virtual audiences across multiple channels.
  • Experience in digital marketing, including an understanding of the importance of consumer research, advertising principals, social media management, and data best practices.
  • Experience with Smartsheet and Microsoft suite required.
  • Experience with Salesforce (CRM tools), Canva, Publicate (email marketing tools), or Tableau (data visualization tools) highly preferred.


  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, business, public administration, or equivalent experience required.


  • Ability to work flexible and/or extended hours to accommodate members and associates in multiple time zones.
  • Ability to travel globally 10-15% per year to events, strategy meetings, and team retreats.


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